Iterate through keys/values in Hogan.js

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-06 00:27:28

There is no way to directly iterate over the keys and values in an object in Hogan.js, what sub_stantial is doing is essentialy iterating over an array.

Depending on what you want to do you need a bit of prerender code. Supposing you have an object o that is { k1: "v1", k2: "v2" }. And you want your rendered template to be k1 has value v1; k2 has value v2;, you only need this (_ is the underscore library):

var oAsList = [];
_.each(_.keys(oAsList), function (k) {
  oAsList.push({ key: k, value: o[k] });

And the Mustache template that does the trick is
{{#oAsList}} {{key}} has value {{value}}; {{/oAsList}}

I was in the same situation yesterday, and after some research with Hogan.js and Mustache.js, I found this solution :

var data = { 'list' : [{ 'name' : 'dhg'}, {'name' : 'abc'}] };
var template = Hogan.compile("{{#list}} {{name}} {{/list}}");
var output = template.render(data);

You can see it in action here :
