Click detection in a 2D isometric grid?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-05 21:32:58

Here's what I came up with,

function posInGrid(x, y, length) {
xFromColCenter = x % length - length / 2;
yFromRowCenter = y % length - length / 2;
col = (x - xFromColCenter) / length;
row = (y - yFromRowCenter) / length;
if (yFromRowCenter < xFromColCenter) {
    if (yFromRowCenter < (-xFromColCenter))--row;
} else if (yFromRowCenter > xFromColCenter) {
    if (yFromRowCenter < (-xFromColCenter))--col;
return "Col:"+col+", Row:"+row+", xFC:"+xFromColCenter+", yFC:"+yFromRowCenter;

X and Y are the coords in the image, and length is the spacing of the grid.

Right now it returns a string, just for testing.. result should be row and col, and those are the coordinates I chose: your tile 1 has coords (1,0) tile 2 is(3,0), tile 10 is (0,1), tile 11 is (2,1). You could convert my coordinates to your numbered tiles in a line or two.

And a JSFiddle for testing


EDIT: changed the return statement, had some variables I used for debugging left in.

A pixel perfect way of hit detection I've used in the past (in OpenGL, but the concept stands here too) is an off screen rendering of the scene where the different objects are identified with different colors.

This approach requires double the memory and double the rendering but the hit detection of arbitrarily complex scenes is done with a simple color lookup.

Since you want to detect a cell in a grid there are probably more efficient solutions but I wanted to mention this one for it's simplicity and flexibility.

This has been solved before, let me consult my notes...

Here's a couple of good resources:

From Laserbrain Studios, The basics of isometric programming

Useful article in the thread posted here, in Java

Let me know if this helps, and good luck with your game!

This code calculates the position in the grid given the uneven spacing. Should be pretty fast; almost all operations are done mathematically, using just one loop. I'll ponder the other part of the problem later.

def cspot(x,y,length):
    vlist = [ (l*(k%2))+(lp*((k+1)%2)) for k in range(1,y+1) ]
    return x + sum(vlist)