Using json_encode on objects in PHP (regardless of scope)

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-26 21:48:13

In RedBeanPHP 2.0 there is a mass-export function which turns an entire collection of beans into arrays. This works with the JSON encoder..

json_encode( R::exportAll( $beans ) );

All the properties of your object are private. aka... not available outside their class's scope.

Solution for PHP < 5.4

If you do want to serialize your private and protected object properties, you have to implement a JSON encoding function inside your Class that utilizes json_encode() on a data structure you create for this purpose.

class Thing {
    public function to_json() {
        return json_encode(array(
            'something' => $this->something,
            'protected_something' => $this->get_protected_something(),
            'private_something' => $this->get_private_something()                

Solution for PHP >= 5.4

Use the new JsonSerializable Interface to provide your own json representation to be used by json_encode

class Thing implements JsonSerializable {
    public function jsonSerialize() {
        return [
            'something' => $this->something,
            'protected_something' => $this->get_protected_something(),
            'private_something' => $this->get_private_something()

A more detailed writeup

In PHP >= 5.4.0 there is a new interface for serializing objects to JSON : JsonSerializable

Just implement the interface in your object and define a JsonSerializable method which will be called when you use json_encode.

So the solution for PHP >= 5.4.0 should look something like this:

class JsonObject implements JsonSerializable
    // properties

    // function called when encoded with json_encode
    public function jsonSerialize()
        return get_object_vars($this);

Following code worked for me:

public function jsonSerialize()
    return get_object_vars($this);

I didn't see this mentioned yet, but beans have a built-in method called getProperties().

So, to use it:

// What bean do we want to get?
$type = 'book';
$id = 13;

// Load the bean
$post = R::load($type,$id);

// Get the properties
$props = $post->getProperties();

// Print the JSON-encoded value
print json_encode($props);

This outputs:

    "id": "13",
    "title": "Oliver Twist",
    "author": "Charles Dickens"

Now take it a step further. If we have an array of beans...

// An array of beans (just an example)
$series = array($post,$post,$post);

...then we could do the following:

  • Loop through the array with a foreach loop.

  • Replace each element (a bean) with an array of the bean's properties.

So this...

foreach ($series as &$val) {
  $val = $val->getProperties();

print json_encode($series);

...outputs this:

        "id": "13",
        "title": "Oliver Twist",
        "author": "Charles Dickens"
        "id": "13",
        "title": "Oliver Twist",
        "author": "Charles Dickens"
        "id": "13",
        "title": "Oliver Twist",
        "author": "Charles Dickens"

Hope this helps!

I usually include a small function in my objects which allows me to dump to array or json or xml. Something like:

public function exportObj($method = 'a')
     if($method == 'j')
         return json_encode(get_object_vars($this));
         return get_object_vars($this);

either way, get_object_vars() is probably useful to you.

$string = rtrim(implode(',', $products), ',');
echo $string;

Here is my way:

function xml2array($xml_data)
    $xml_to_array = [];

            foreach($xml_data as $key => $value)
                        $value = (string)$value;
                        $value = (array)$value;
                    $value = xml2array($value);
                $xml_to_array[$key] = $value;
            $xml_to_array = $xml_data;

    return $xml_to_array;

for an array of objects, I used something like this, while following the custom method for php < 5.4:


//transaction is an array of the class transaction
//which implements the method to_json

foreach($transactions as $tran)

echo json_encode($jsArray);