Configure IIS7 to server static content through ASP.NET Runtime

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-05 14:22:02

II7 already does that if the application pool's Managed Pipeline Mode is set to Integrated which is the default. In Integrated mode, ASP.NET handles all requests including those for static objects.

If you have to leave your application pool in Classic Mode then you need to use the same techniques you would use in IIS 6 to explicitly create handlers for the various static extensions.

Additional Information Based on Comments: I think your missing piece is creating an HttpHandler to handle the other extensions (.js, .css, etc.). Without this, then ASP.NET will use the default handling for these types of files. You would create a reference to you handler in your web.config. This article is an example of creating an HttpHandler for static files.

Kudos to everyone, but the problem was in totally different space.

VirtualPathProvider cannot be used in a pre-compiled web site. I'm furious.
