Evaluation in Clojure REPL with CounterClockwise and Eclipse

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-05 11:49:06

You need to be connected to a REPL to get a response.

There are two options:

  • Connect to an existing REPL
  • Run your project as a Clojure application and automatically connect to it's REPL.

To connect to an existing REPL, you can use Window -> Connect to REPL.

To run your project, Right click your project; Run As -> Clojure Application. If that's not an option, Right Click -> Configure -> As Clojure Application

Sounds like your REPL is disconnected - it needs to be connected to a running Clojure process in order for you to interact with the live environment.

I usually just launch a REPL and load the file simultaneously by pressing Ctrl-Alt-L in the code editor window.
