different loggers used with libraries

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-05 05:20:17

I do not know of an existing solution. I would probably come up with a logger with an interface like the following (whether it is a standalone implementation or just a wrapper on your existing one):

class Logger {
    enum Level {
    static Logger* Instance();
    void Log(Level level, const char* module, const char* msg);
    void AddModuleFilter(const char* context, const char* module, Level level);
    void SetThreadLocalContext(const char* context);

The main deviation from common log libraries are the context-sensitive module filter. We may have setups like the following to set different levels according to who makes the call (the context):

// foo calls by entity A have the DEBUG log level
Logger::Instance()->AddModuleFilter("A", "foo", Logger::DEBUG);
// foo calls by entity B have the WARNING log level
Logger::Instance()->AddModuleFilter("B", "foo", Logger::WARNING);

Then, the call flow will be like:

// In entity A
// Call function foo
Logger::Instance()->Log(log_level, "foo", log_msg);

Not sure whether such an interface meets your purpose. Anyway, I always regard interface first a good approach. Once you have a clear interface, implementing it should be an easy job.

If the separate library is itself a class, you can use a class-level variable in the library to hold the logger instance reference. I don't often program in C++ or Java, but I think a class-level variable is 'static' in C++ and Java.

It is still a global variable underneath, but at least it's class-scoped global variable (like a class variable named debugLog.log where debugLog is the class name).
