Detecting function object (functor) and lambda traits

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-05 03:38:06

It's not possible in the general case for functors, i.e. class types using operator(). This includes lambda objects, too. Consider a case where operator() is overloaded:

struct functor {
    operator()(double) const;

    operator()(int) const;

typedef function_traits<functor>::result_type result_type;

What should result_type be?

Note that, as a workaround, some protocols (e.g. boost::apply_visitor from Boost.Variant) require that a result_type be present in the class, with the assumption that all overloads, while accepting different types, all return a type compatible with this result_type.

And of course given some types T0 ... Tn, std::result_of<functor(T0, ..., Tn)>::type gives the return type associated to the parameter types.

In the case where exactly one overload of operator() is present[1], you can take the operator() member and inspect that.

struct not_overloaded {
    operator()(double) const;

template<typename T>
struct functor_traits {
    typedef decltype(&T::operator()) type;

functor_traits<not_overloaded>::type has type double (not_overloaded::*)(double) const here, and with just a bit of effort you can extract from this what you want. (e.g. a specialization of the form Ret (T::*)(Args...) const will match that type.)

[1]: but a functor can provide functionality by implicitly converting to a function pointer/reference, too, so you could miss that
