How to Manipulate JSON AST in Scala

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-05 03:23:20

There is the merge function which creates or overrides a field. You can also update fields that are not at the root level of the tree.

import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._

object mergeJson extends App {

  val json =
      |  "foo":1,
      |  "bar": {
      |    "foo": 2
      |  }

  val ast = parse(json)

  val updated = ast merge (("foo", 3) ~ ("bar", ("fnord", 5)))


  //  {
  //    "foo" : 3,
  //    "bar" : {
  //      "foo" : 2,
  //      "fnord" : 5
  //    }
  //  }


Let me also give you the SON of JSON version:

import nl.typeset.sonofjson._

val json = parse("""{ "foo" : 1, "bar" : { "foo" : 2 } }""")

// or, perhaps a little easier
val json = obj(foo = 1, bar = obj(foo = 2)) = "3"
json.foobar = "3"

When I was implementing some very specific json diff using lift json I used a lot of recursive functions to get to the jpath where I need to modify value, and modified json was constructed when recursion "collapsed". LiftJson is immutable after all. You mentioned lenses as another approach, which is very interesting by itself. But my current favourite is play-json library that is working like a charm in a situation when you need to do json-to-json transformation:

from Mandubian Blog:

val gizmo2gremlin = (
  (__ \ 'name).json.put(JsString("gremlin")) and
  (__ \ 'description).json.pickBranch(
      (__ \ 'size).json.update( of[JsNumber].map{ case JsNumber(size) => JsNumber(size * 3) } ) and
      (__ \ 'features).json.put( Json.arr("skinny", "ugly", "evil") ) and
      (__ \ 'danger).json.put(JsString("always"))
  ) and
  (__ \ 'hates).json.copyFrom( (__ \ 'loves).json.pick )
) reduce

Yummy Features: all transformers are combinators that can be mixed together, validation, shapeless support, auto marshaling of case classes with implicit overrides, stand-alone library.
