Java padding image

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-05 02:56:15

Presumably, you want to create a new image from an existing image, where the new image has white space on the left and right?

Suppose the unpadded image was a BufferedImage and is called 'image'. Suppose the amount of whitespace you want on each side is 'w'. What you want to do is create a new BufferedImage wider than the original, then paint the entire thing white, and finally draw the smaller image on top of it:

BufferedImage newImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth()+2*w, image.getHeight(), image.getType());

Graphics g = newImage.getGraphics();

g.drawImage(image, w, 0, null);

Create a new BufferedImage object of the right size; use Graphics.fillRect() to paint it white; draw the image into the top-left corner with drawImage(); then save your new image.

If anyone comes upon a similar problem, I would definitively recommend imgScalr. You can add padding with literally one line imageSource= Scalr.pad(imageSource,pad,Color.White);.
