SBT Scaladoc Configuration

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-05 01:21:45

The Scala library is on the classpath, otherwise scaladoc would bail out with an error pretty quickly. The warning you see means that scaladoc doesn't know how to link to Option. For this, you need to use either the -external-urls option or the -doc-external-doc option coming in 2.10.1. The output of scaladoc -help for the upcoming 2.10.1 shows:

-doc-external-doc:<external-doc>  comma-separated list of classpath_entry_path#doc_URL pairs describing external dependencies.
-external-urls:<externalUrl(s)>   (deprecated) comma-separated list of package_names=doc_URL for external dependencies, where package names are ':'-separated

The solution until 2.10.1 is out is to use -external-uris:
