Django Python rest framework, No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource in chrome, works in firefox

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-26 20:14:47


I have researched and read quite a few Stackoverflow posts on the same issue. None have resolved my issue.

My problem is that I am getting the "...No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource..." error in my console.

I am using:

Chrome Version 57.0.2987.133 Firefox Version 52.0.2

Python 2.7 Django 1.11a1


I am using MAMP to serve my front-end Angular stuff, and the django server for the backend stuff.

In my django settings I have included the cors middleware and tried both the whitelist approach and just setting all to true:





On google chrome I still get this error:

localhost/:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load {my endpoint url}. Redirect from {my endpoint url} to {my endpoint url with a } has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin {requesting url} is therefore not allowed access.

It works appropriately on Firefox, and I can't figure out why it won't work for google chrome. I haven't tried any other types of browsers. Any help will be very appreciated, thank you.


Install the cors-headers package with

pip install django-cors-headers

Adds to your installed apps


Add on your MIDDLEWARE remember to add as being the first in the list


Before installed apps put this configuration for anyone to access


Or create a list of hits



Check your request url first.I had this problem when use vue-resource .And then find i missing '/' at the end or url.


Make sure use NOT localhost because when using localhost browser may look up an IPv6 address... or set up localhost to explicitly to at /etc/hosts


Perhaps you need to take a look at how you are calling your middlewares. If they are not in the correct sequence they might throw this error. It seems like your '' needs to be pushed below the 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware'. Also, it looks like you might have to add CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS = True in your code as well.

Hope this helps.


the reason that is chrome browse; you can install CORS Toggle app in chrome or deploy your web code to nginx or apache then using chrome.


Old question, but I'm not seeing this solution, which worked for me, anywhere. So hoping this can be helpful for someone.

Cross-origin requests in this context are only possible if the partner site's server allows it through their response headers.

I got this to work in Django without any CORS middleware by setting the following headers on the response:

    response["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = ""
    response["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET"
    response["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = ""

Most answers on StackOverflow seem to mention the first one, but not the second two. I've just confirmed they are all required. You'll want to modify as needed for your framework or request method (GET, POST, OPTION).

p.s. You can try "*" instead of "" for initial development just to get it working, but it would be a security hole to allow every site access. Once working, you can restrict it for your requesting site only to make sure you don't have any formatting typos.


You can install django-cors-headers app and in the you should put 'corsheaders' in the INSTALLED_APPS and


in the starting of the MIDDLEWARE of the settings

The README of the Github link explains the details

