compiling the 2.6.0 kernel on slackware

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-04 13:06:22

How are you doing this to start with?

Typically, you download the latest kernel from, copy the tarball to /usr/src, then:

 1. tar -zxvvf linux-2.6.xxxx.tar.gz
 2. ln -nsf linux-2.6.xxxx linux   # ie: Update the "/usr/src/linux" symbolic link to
                                   #   point to the new kernel source directory
 3. make menuconfig                # or make xconfig
 4. make modules                   # Build the kernel modules
 5. make modules_install           # Install the previously built modules for the
                                   #   new kernel
 6. make bzImage                   # Create the boot image

At this point, DO NOT run make install. Most guides say to do this, but this is WRONG! Instead, copy the newly created bzImage file to /boot (ie: find -name bzImage /usr/src/linux, then cp to /boot), then edit your LILO configuration file (edit /etc/lilo.conf, and when done, run lilo), then reboot your system (ie: init 6 or shutdown -r now), and try out the new kernel.

The whole point of skipping the make install step is because it overwrites/replaces your existing kernel. The steps I described above allow you to have the new kernel and your existing kernel both installed and runnable in parallel. If the new kernel is broken or your left out an important option, you can still fall back to your existing stable/working kernel without the need for a boot/recovery CD/DVD.

If I recall well i think you are missing the ncurses libraries. Those are needed to create the interface with menuconfig.

Try a to do a make xconfig from an X session and see if it works.

if that is the case then the ncurses libs are definitely missing.

check with:

ls /var/log/packages/ncurses* 

to see if installed
