IvyDE + WTP: How to workaround that ivy library is ignored by WTP?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-04 11:49:31

For that kind of things, we simply add an Ant based Builder in the Eclipse project, monitoring the dependencies files, which simply updates WEB-INF/lib directly and calls for a workspace refresh. This way we are not tied to a specific plugin, and it's working great on the build server as well without any changes.


Did you try to add the ivy.xml module to your project's Java EE Module Dependencies?

(source: espenberntsen.net)


I think this answers your question: How to use Ivy + IvyDE in eclipse to put different jars in lib and web-inf/lib

It suggests you to add retrieve dependency rules to your project using Project->Properties->Ivy configuration GUI. Then you can Project->Ivy->Retrieve... to copy all ivy jars to the WEB-INF/lib folder of your web project (or wherever you wish to copy them).
