Firebird 3 sysdba password stunning issue

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-04 07:27:50

I assume you are using Jaybird 2.2.x (or earlier) when connecting from Netbeans and Wildfly. With Firebird 3 a new authentication model was introduced called SRP (Secure Remote Password). Jaybird 2.2.x doesn't support this new authentication model (support will be added in Jaybird 3.0), so you need to use the Legacy_Auth plugin.

Users have a separate identity per plugin, this means that you (can) have two users with the name SYSDBA, one for SRP and one for Legacy_Auth. These users have their own passwords.

So when you connect from Netbeans and Wildfly, you need to specify the password of the legacy authentication user. This password appears to be masterkey, or actually: masterke as legacy passwords are only 8 characters.

When you connect from flamerobin, you can use the 'other' password (of the SRP sysdba user) as flamerobin uses the Firebird 3 fbclient.dll/ and therefor supports the new SRP authentication model.

As far as I know flamerobin should also be able to authenticate with the password of the legacy sysdba user (when login fails, it should try the next plugin). I will test that tomorrow.
