GWT Animation final value is not respected

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-04 07:13:09

onComplete gets called when the animation is finished (and onStart gets called before it starts), so override that if you want to take an action when the animation is 100% done:

public class Scroller extends Animation {

      protected void onComplete() {
        e.getStyle().setLeft(scrollStop, Style.Unit.PX);

Edit As brad notes, the docs aren't very clear that onComplete is what's called when the animation is finished. The Javadoc says Animation.onUpdate is:

Called when the animation should be updated. The value of progress is between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusively (unless you override the interpolate(double) method to provide a wider range of values). You can override onStart() and onComplete() to perform setup and tear down procedures.

The code that calls these methods is the only thing that makes clear that onUpdate is only called when the animation has started but not yet finished - that is, when the progress value is > 0 but < 1.
