
How to learn using content repository and Apache JackRabbit?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-22 14:56:06
问题 Where do I go after doing the "First hops" in the Apache JackRabbit website? I don't understand how to create a repository that is not in memory and how to configure it and so on. 回答1: You could look also at Silverpeas code. It's using Jackrabbit with some simple code to create nodes, browse them etc. For example take a look into The tests are using in

Apache Jackrabbit - Override Jackrabbit configuration parameters when deployed in Glassfish v3

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-17 01:20:28
问题 I feel like an idiot, but where/how do I override the Jackrabbit configuration parameters when deployed in Glassfish v3? I've tried setting rep.home in the Glassfish Admin -> Enterprise Server -> System Properties panel, but it doesn't seem to have any affect. Do I have the property name correct? Is this not the right place to do this? BTW - I'm using the Jackrabbit release bundled with the Sling API. 回答1: The Jackrabbit Configuration Parameters indicated by your link are automatically set by

How to create repository instance in JackRabbit Oak using MicroKernel

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-24 02:25:07
问题 According to JackRabbit Oak official documentation, one of the ways of creating Repository instance is to create a MicroKernel object and pass it to JCR's parameterized constructor like this: MicroKernel kernel = ...; Repository repository = new Jcr(kernel).createRepository(); But looking at the JCR class javadocs, i can't find any constructor which takes an object of type MicroKernel . So my questions is : How can we get a repository object using MicroKernel in JackRabbit Oak( not JackRabbit