MongoDB BasicDBObject vs Document in java

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 06:41:44

Basic DBobject is not deprecated . The only deprecated part in the BasicDBobject is DBPointer class and few other methods like toString() and getId()

Document implements Map<String, Object> and there is less code to write compared to Basic DB object

DBObject Although not recommended for new applications, those upgrading from the 2.x driver series may continue to use the DBObject interface to represent BSON documents. DBObject is similar to Document in that it represents BSON values as Object, but it has a few shortcomings that were impossible to overcome:

  1. it is an interface rather than a class, so it’s API can not be extended without breaking binary compatibility.

  2. It doesn’t actually implement Map.

  3. Because it is an interface, a separate concrete class called BasicDBObject which implements that interface, is required

Bson To tie these all together, the driver contains a small but powerful interface called Bson. Any class that represents a BSON document, whether included in the driver itself or from a third party, can implement this interface and can then be used any place in the high-level API where a BSON document is required.
