std::async - Implementation dependent usage?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-04 00:27:51

std::async tasks launched with a policy of std::launch::async run "as if in a new thread", so thread pools are not really supported --- the runtime would have to tear down and recreate all the thread-local variables in between each task execution, which is not straightforward.

This also means that you can expect tasks started with a policy of std::launch::async to run concurrently. There may be a start-up delay, and there will be task-switching if you have more running threads than processors, but they should be running, and not deadlock just because one happens to wait for another.

An implementation may choose to offer an extension that allows your tasks to run in a thread pool, in which case it is up to that implementation to document the semantics.

I would expect implementations to launch new threads, and leave the thread pool to a future version of C++ that standardizes it. Are there any implementations that use a thread pool?

MSVC initally used a thread pool based on their Concurrency Runtime. According to STL Fixes In VS 2015, Part 2 this has been removed. The C++ specification left some room for implementers to do clever things, however I don't think it quite left enough room for this thread pooling implementation. In particular I think the spec still required that thread_local objects would be destroyed and rebuilt, but that thread pooling with ConcRT would not have supported that.
