In .NET Framework 4.6.2 the FormattedText() is Obsoleted, how can i fixed it

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-03 22:59:46

You need to calculate the DPI of your monitor, see: How can I get the DPI in WPF?

In Addition, with .Net 4.6.2 come new APIs to handle the DPI awareness, so the above methods might be deprecated (e.g. VisualTreeHelper.GetDpi()). See Here is some example code and a Userguide:

IMHO this pararameter has been added so that your program can be dragged between monitors with different DPIs and still is scaled correctly.

From FromattedText declaration: pixelsPerDip: The Pixels Per Density Independent Pixel value, which is the equivalent of the scale factor. For example, if the DPI of a screen is 120 (or 1.25 because 120/96 = 1.25) , 1.25 pixel per density independent pixel is drawn. DIP is the unit of measurement used by WPF to be independent of device resolution and DPIs.

If you just have 1 monitor and therefore don't need any DPI changed event handling, use the following for example in the OnLoaded() event of your Window (or in your constructor):

var pixelsPerDip = VisualTreeHelper.GetDpi(this).PixelsPerDip;
