Reload Tableview using RxSwift

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-03 20:24:34

I have found the issue. My array was not being getting updated correctly. I did the following changes.

Declare dataSource variable of ModelClass:

let dataSource = Variable<[SearchResult]>([])

Bind it with the table view right now it is empty:

dataSource.asObservable().bindTo(ResultsTable.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "SearchCell")){ row,Searchplace,cell in
    if let C_cell = cell as? SearchTableViewCell{
        C_cell.LocationLabel.text =

Then store my updated array in it that contains the searchPlaces:

dataSource.value = self.array

Now each time when value of dataSource will be changed, table view will be reloaded.

Avoid using "Variable" because of this concept will be deprecated from RxSwift but official migration path hasn't been decided yet.


Hence, recommend using RxCocoa.BehaviorRelay instead.

let dataSource = BehaviorRelay(value: [SearchResultModel]())

Bind to tableView

 self.dataSource.bind(to: self.tableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "SearchCell", cellType: SearchCell.self)) { index, model, cell in
      cell.setupCell(model: model)
 }.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

after fetch data:

let newSearchResultModels: [SearchResultModel] = ..... //your new data

Hope this can help :)


array = Variable<[SearchResult]>([])

Whenever you hit your API, put your fetched results in self.array.value and it will automatically gets updated.

 self.array.asObservable().bindTo(ResultsTable.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "SearchCell", cellType:SearchCell.self)) 
   { (row, element, cell) in
        cell.configureCell(element: element)