Solving the Zebra puzzle (aka. Einstein puzzle) using the clpfd Prolog library

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-03 15:20:52

running your code in SWI-Prolog, I get

?- solve(X),label(X).
X = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4].

Without label:

?- solve(X).
X = [3, _G3351, _G3354, 1, _G3360],
_G3351 in 4..5,
all_different([_G3351, _G3386, _G3389, 2, _G3395]),
all_different([3, _G3351, _G3354, 1, _G3360]),
_G3386 in 3..5,
all_different([_G3386, _G3444, 1, _G3450, _G3360]),
_G3389 in 1\/3..5,
_G3395 in 1\/3..5,
_G3478 in 2..6,
_G3444 in 2..5,
_G3450 in 2\/5,
all_different([_G3354, 4, 3, _G3450, _G3614]),
_G3360 in 2\/4..5,
_G3354 in 2\/5,
_G3614 in 1..2\/5,
_G3556 in 2..3\/6,
_G3553 in 0..1,
_G3565 in 0..1,
_G3568 in 0..1\/4,
_G3492 in 0..4,
_G3577 in 0..1,
_G3529 in 0..1.

If I change all_different to all_distinct I get the solution without label:


?- solve(X).
X = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4].

As you see, the docs state stronger propagation for all_distinct vs all_different. Running the proposed sample help to understand the difference between those:

?- maplist(in, Vs, [1\/3..4, 1..2\/4, 1..2\/4, 1..3, 1..3, 1..6]), all_distinct(Vs).

?- maplist(in, Vs, [1\/3..4, 1..2\/4, 1..2\/4, 1..3, 1..3, 1..6]), all_different(Vs).
Vs = [_G419, _G422, _G425, _G428, _G431, _G434],
_G419 in 1\/3..4,
all_different([_G419, _G422, _G425, _G428, _G431, _G434]),
_G422 in 1..2\/4,
_G425 in 1..2\/4,
_G428 in 1..3,
_G431 in 1..3,
_G434 in 1..6.

There are several misconceptions here: You state "the clpfd package does not yield a solution", but actually it does yield one:

?- solve(Ls, Fish), label(Ls).
Ls = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4],
Fish in 1\/4,
all_different([5, 3, _G3699, 2, Fish]),
_G3699 in 1\/4,
_G3727 in 2\/4..5,
_G3766 in 0..1,
_G3792 in 0..1,
_G3741 in 0\/2..3.

So we know that if there is a solution, then Fish is either 1 or 4. Let's try 1:

?- solve(Ls, Fish), label(Ls), Fish = 1.

No. So let's try 4:

?- solve(Ls, Fish), label(Ls), Fish = 4.
Ls = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4],
Fish = 4.

This works and is a ground solution to the problem. You can get it in a different way for example by including Fish in the variables that are to be labeled:

?- solve(Ls, Fish), label([Fish|Ls]).
Ls = [3, 5, 2, 1, 4],
Fish = 4 ;

The purpose of labeling is exactly to try concrete values for constrained variables, independent of whether there actually is a solution. By coincidence, all_distinct/1 is strong enough to yield a ground solution by itself in this case, but in general this is of course not the case and you must eventually use labeling to obtain an unconditional (i.e., no more pending constraints) answer. Of course you must then in general also label all variables that are of interest to you, not just a subset of them as you did initially. To label a single variable, you can use indomain/1, so appending indomain(Fish) to the first query above would also work. I could not reproduce the instantiation error you mentioned in a further comment, in fact as you see above the most general query solve(X, Y) works with the code you posted. Finally, check this out:

neighbor(X, Y) :- abs(X-Y) #= 1.