Does IOS Safari support Shadow DOM?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-03 13:48:37

It depends on which Shadow DOM you mean—Shadow DOM v0 or Shadow DOM v1.

See and

No version of Safari supports Shadow DOM v0. But as far as iOS Safari, version 10.2+ support Shadow DOM v1 with the following limitation:

Certain CSS selectors do not work (:host > .local-child) and styling slotted content (::slotted) is buggy.

As far as differences between Shadow DOM v0 and v1, see

About how to see the shadow root in the WebKit/Safari Inspector, there’s a button you need to click to show shadow roots; it looks like this:

And in the Inspector UI, it’s in the toolbar on the right below the tabs. It turns blue when activated:
