Vim omnicompletion for Java

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-03 11:26:57

Here is a "JDE" feature for vim: One of the listed features is "Code completion ( working for java and jsp,taglib,html,xml,xsl,xsd) (VIM 7.0 required) "

And here is a Java autocompletion script:

This one isn't Java, but I found it to be quite clear and understandable; perhaps it might be worth reading. Here is a recipe on setting up autocompletion for Drupal. A custom AWK script builds an autocompletion dictionary for vim.

Good luck.

I had a go with eclim:

A while ago, it basically runs eclipse in the background and then provides a vim plugin which lets you get at all the functionality of eclipse inside vim. So you can do refactoring, completion etc. It seems to work quite well if you don't mind running a huge eclipse process in the background on your system.

I've got completion working quite well in C++ (Better than Vis stud anyway) but never had much luck with java. These days I tend to use eclipse most of the time but I have gvim --remote set up as an external command in eclipse so that I can just wip the current buffer into vim anytime I want.

Had the same desire, got it fulfilled by using eclim. Works really really well.

I have looked for this as well as I am considering moving from eclipse to vim. The best solution I have found so far is to bring vim to eclipse with the vrapper( ). It brings a lot of the features of vim to the eclipse editor and you can still use autocompletion and all the other features of Eclipse.

I am still interested in moving completely, but it seems difficult to beat eclipse for a java development environment. (just hate the overhead for eclipse!)
