Connect to captive portal wifi using ESP8266

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-03 08:47:07

The ESP8266 is more than capable of using HTTPS, in fact the latest ESP8226 Arduino codebase includes a WiFiClientSecure class for connecting to HTTPS servers.

Assuming this page will never change, and you're using the Arduino environment, you would need to write a few basic functions. One of these will be the initial GET function which you have already linked, and checks whether you received the page you wanted, or if you were directed to the portal. If you were directed to the portal, you would then need to write an equivalent POST function to send the "I Agree" response.

Now, this POST function will require you to send an HTTP form encoded payload to the server containing the "Answer" value - You can read up on that here Since you (probably) aren't expecting the page to change, you could hard code it to be something like this:

client.println("POST / HTTP/1.1");
// $PORTAL_HOST should be the host of the captive portal, e.g.
client.println("Host: $PORTAL_HOST");
client.println("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
client.println("Content-Length: 8");

Once you send that payload, you should receive your secondary user/password page. From there it's a simple matter of extracting the magic/session via indexOf / substring or something similar, and then repeating the above code with your now extracted data (if needed).

If you need a better idea of what exactly you'll be sending, I'd advise you to open the debug/networking tab on your browser, and watch the exact data your browser sends when it's directed to this portal page. You will want to emulate this as closely as possible.
