VIM - Sourcing tags from multiple locations in project

孤人 提交于 2019-12-03 08:21:11

It indeed appears to be the problem that you can't use environment variables inside the tags setting.

I came up with this as a workaround:

:let &tags.=expand(",$SDK_SRC_PLUS_HEADERS/tags")

This might be slightly more friendly:

:exec expand("set tags+=$SDK_SRC_PLUS_HEADERS/tags")

I wanted to add to the solution provided by @sehe.

This is the final set of changes I made to my .vimrc. The first lines are for adding expanded environment variable paths to my tags variable. The other is for auto-updating tags in the event that I have to update my SDK and don't want to be able to accidentally use out-of-date tags:

" CTAGS tag generation for OmniCppComplete
set tags+=./tags
exec expand("set tags+=$SDK_SRC_PLUS_HEADERS/tags")
exec expand("set tags+=$THIRD_PARTY_SDK/tags")
" Can verify taglist is correct via ":set verbose tags?" command

" Create a mapping to delete the old tags, re-generate them, and use them
map <F10> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q . \| rm -f $SDK_SRC_PLUS_HEADERS/tags \| ctags -R -f $SDK_SRC_PLUS_HEADERS/tags $SDK_SRC_PLUS_HEADERS/tags  \| rm -f $THIRD_PARTY_SDK/tags \| ctags -R -f $THIRD_PARTY_SDK/tags $THIRD_PARTY_SDK/tags  \| echo "Done re-generating tags."<CR>