Why doesn't Mercurial support remote repository creations over HTTP?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-03 07:22:36

I think the reason is that adding support for creating repositories will bring in a fair amount of baggage:

  • if you can create repositories you would expect to be able to delete them. While that might seem simple, it would be a big step away from the safe manner in which Mercurial normally works -- there is no destructive commands in standard Mercurial.

  • people would also want to edit the .hg/hgrc files to set the description and contact information -- standard Mercurial never changes the config files, so this would again be a new thing.

  • people would also want to manage users' access to the new repositories -- this means editing .htaccess files or the equivalent for other webservers.

... and so on. Implementing this "little" feature will open up for a lot of extra feature requests and we only have a few Mercurial developers that are also sawy web developers.

However, there is now an excellent open source solution: Kallithea gives you a "mini-Bitbucket" that you can deploy on your own server. It will do all of the above. I would install that on my server if I needed something more powerful than plain hgweb.cgi. It supports both Mercurial and Git.

As far as I know, none of the SCM alternatives allow the creation of remote repositories natively. SVN, CVS, Git, et al.

That's usually the job of a hosting provider: SourceForge, Google Code, BitBucket. All of them implement the repository creation on top of their authetication infrastructure.

For example, Debian's Mercurial hosting is limited to Debian Developers, and to create a new repository you need to login via SSH to the server and create the repository on your local home folder, much like Apache's public_html directory.

Various answers (including your own) give some pretty good reasons why the functionality isn't there (separation of concerns mostly), but if you really want to add it you could do so with just a line or two of shell. Here's a hideously unsafe example I gave quite a while ago showing how to add that funcionality in high trust environments: Remote Repository Creation in Mercurial over HTTP
