Does DDE still matter? Which are the alternatives?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-03 07:22:10

In terms of interacting with Excel, OLE Automation/COM replaced the use of DDE.

You may want to take a look at VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office).

I can recommend reading this page. It talks about almost every aspect of DDE:


You might also try this (old, but I think still relevant) Building a Real-Time Data Server in Excel 2002 (MSDN)

Having worked at Reuters for years in the real-time data world, I must say that I haven't looked at DDE in over a decade. I assume it still sees use, but it is really old and has been replaced by lots of stuff. Mostly though I have been working with desktop apps that talk to the real-time APIs.

Some other links:
