How to access file system of another phone using bluetooth in Android?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-02 23:32:23

Sure it is possible. But you need to know:

  1. Which Bluetooth protocol you want to use? Some of them are here: Bluetooth protocols
  2. How big data you are willing to share between, because if you have big data then you need to use some other connection.
  3. You need to know how to secure data, Bluetooth is very vulnerable.

And you can tell us what you want to do? You are programmer or just asking? If so use link as suggested in your comments.

EDIT: Here is for example some examples in QT programming language, which I use for developing apps for Android:


If you want to open sd-card and phone storage of any phone using android, then you can follow the following method:

  1. Open your android settings.

  2. Now open bluetooth settings.

  3. Activate your bluetooth.

  4. Search for devices.

  5. Pair the bluetooth device.

  6. Now you will be able to see a setting sign on right side of name of bluetooth device.

  7. Touch that sign. You will now see a file transfer box then ftp client will open and you can open the other phone's storage.
