6502 CPU Emulation

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 18:43:06

The opcode takes one byte, and the operands are in the following bytes. Check out the byte size column here, for instance.

If you look into references like http://www.atarimax.com/jindroush.atari.org/aopc.html, you will see that each opcode has an encoding specified as:


The HEX is your 1-byte opcode. Immediately following it is LEN bytes of its argument. Consult the reference to see what those arguments are. The TIM data is important for emulators - it is the number of clock cycles this instruction takes to execute. You will need this to get your timing correct.

These values (LEN, TIM) are not encoded in the opcode itself. You need to store this data in your program loader/executer. It's just a big lookup table. Or you can define a mini-language to encode the data and reader.

This book might help: http://www.atariarchives.org/mlb/

Also, try examing any other 6502 aseembler/simulator/debugger out there to see how Assembly gets coded as Machine Language.

The 6502 manuals are on the Web, at various history sites. The KIM-1 shipped with them. Maybe more in them than you need to know.

The apple II roms included a dissassembler, I think that's what it was called, and it would show you in a nice format the hex opcodes and the 3 character opcode and the operands.

So given how little memory was available, they managed to shove in the operand byte count (always 0, 1 or 2) the 3 character opcode for the entire 6502 instruction set into a really small space, because there's really not that much of it.

If you can dig up an apple II rom, you can just cut and paste from there...

The 6502 has different addressing modes, the same instruction has several different opcodes depending on it's addressing mode. Take a look at the following links which describes the different ways a 6502 can retrieve data from memory, or directly out of ROM.


This is better - 6502 Instruction Set matrix:

