Ionic 3 get base64 audio string from recorded file

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-02 10:44:16

okay, I just found out that you can use method "resolveLocalFilesystemUrl" of the cordova-plugin-file which will return you the object and inside this object there is a property "nativeURL" which can be used as a source(src) for the video tag(had to video tag instead of audio because 3gp format is actually for video)

this.file.readAsDataURL(filePathtoUpload, this.fileName)
.then((base64Audio) => {
.catch(function (err: TypeError) {
console.log("readAsDataURL: " + err);

this works for me

Read this:

It is the oficial website API of ionic. Just install that plugin and use this:

 this.base64.encodeFile(this.filePath + this.fileName).then(
      (base64:any) =>{
      console.log('file base64 encoding: ' + base64);

In this post, i explain it better. I let the link here: convert audio file to base64 in ionic 3
