Calling C shared library function from LibreOffice Basic

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-02 10:13:24

Jonathon Reinhart is correct; the "Declare" command for calling shared libraries is implemented on Windows but not on Linux. I was only able to verify this because of a reference to an OpenOffice bug report on the matter on a blog post.

My first attempt at a solution was to rewrite the function in LibreOffice Basic. It worked, but would take up to 3 seconds to return its results.

I considered giving up and leaving it like that, but it was too unpleasant to have a three second wait. I looked into how to implement a C++ function through UNO, which was overly complex for a fairly trivial task.

Finally what I did was to write a kludge that still gives "instant" results (around 0.025 seconds each function call).

I rewrote the DLL as a C++ console app that takes command line arguments and writes the result to a temp file. Then I replaced my LibreOffice Basic code with a function that calls the C++ console app in blocking mode using Shell and retrieves the results from the file. It's ugly, but it's not a multi-user thing and it works.

In case anyone stumbles across this issue themselves, here's the LibreOffice Basic code I used to do this--it's very simple.

option explicit

function scorewords(wordlist as string, bonuslist as string) as integer
   dim cparams as string
   dim fileno as integer
   dim results_file as string
   dim score as integer

   if wordlist = "" then
       scorewords = 0
       exit function
   end if

   cparams = """" + wordlist + """" + " " + """" + bonuslist + """"
   results_file = "/tmp/scrabblescore.dat"
   Shell("/usr/bin/getscrabblescore", 6, cparams, true)

   fileno = freefile
   open results_file for input as fileno
   input #fileno, score
   close #fileno

   kill results_file

   scorewords = score
end function

Unless you are limited to Basic then it looks like your question already shows a good solution. Write something like this in Python UNO:

import ctypes
lib = ctypes.cdll.loadLibrary("/usr/lib/")
result = lib.score_word("qi", "dw dlq")
oText.insertString(oTextCursor, result, 0)