Arduino stepper motor control with Simulink

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-02 06:28:32

From your file name it looks like you have downloaded this from a file exchange submission "MATLAB Support Package for Arduino (aka ArduinoIO Package)". Based on one of the comments in that submission this package does not support code generation. It can be run only using Simulink "normal" mode. For other targets which require code generation you need tlc files and you will see this error.

I believe the error window already tells you what is the problem. You need to move the file msfun_arduino_io_setup.tlc to you project's working directory. We can only have this much sight in your project with what you have given to us. If there is, you need to give more information, for instance SS of your Simulink Model.

Besides all, I suggest you to download Arduino Support Package and other add-ins, extensions and files from Matlab itself if you can.

I've finaly managed to get the stepper motor running using Simulink. Unfortunately I had to change the driver board to do that. It seems there isn't a driver from Matlab for this board or it's just not compatible (not sure).

I've bought an adafruit motor shield v2 and things worked perfectly. It no longer give's that error about a missing .tlc file.

Cheers !
