
How to specify ReplyTo EndpointReference in a JAX-WS client?

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-13 19:05:04
问题 I want to use JAX-WS API to create a WS-Addressing enabled web service client. I used wsimport to create the client stub from the WSDL file, and can enable/disable WS-Addressing by using the AddressingFeature, e.g. Hello hello = service.getHelloSoap11(new AddressingFeature(true, true)); However, I cannot find any samples in web that customize the WS-Addressing ReplyTo/FaultTo endpoint reference. Basically I want to create a WS request like the following (see the wsa:ReplyTo element): <soapenv

Custom WCF Binding equivalent to WSHttpBinding with WS-Addressing turned off

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-11 06:38:59
问题 I am trying to create a WCF service that needs to be consumed by a Java client. Requirements from the Java client is to disable WS-Addressing. I must have to use WSHttpBinding. First of all I am bit new to this. I did some quick search online but was not able to figure out if that is the correct solution. Can somebody please point me to right direction ? Thanks 回答1: Use for such issues. You did not specify which security you need. One option is <!--

Why is the wsa:To header in my reply message removed by WCF?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-10 21:05:53
问题 I have a WCF service with an IDispatchMessageInspector and a BeforeSendReply method which modifies the message's WS-Addressing headers. This works for all headers, except for wsa:To, which is being stripped from the reply... public void BeforeSendReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState) { reply.Headers.To = new Uri("urn:something:something:something"); // Why won't this show up in the response? reply.Headers.From = new EndpointAddress("urn:blabla:blabla"); reply.Headers.MessageId =

WCF rejects messages with additional signed elements

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-08 04:52:41
问题 We have a WCF 4.0 service over https that allows the client to sign the message to identify themselves. We can then use the cert to give the client the proper rights on the back end. This works fine when a WCF 4.0 client sends the request, but when a non-WCF attempts to send the request, it fails with the following: CryptographicException: Unable to resolve the '#Id-{Guid goes here}' URI in the signature to compute the digest. Upon inspecting the clients request, this failure occurs whenever

How to specify ReplyTo EndpointReference in a JAX-WS client?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-06 04:05:21
I want to use JAX-WS API to create a WS-Addressing enabled web service client. I used wsimport to create the client stub from the WSDL file, and can enable/disable WS-Addressing by using the AddressingFeature, e.g. Hello hello = service.getHelloSoap11(new AddressingFeature(true, true)); However, I cannot find any samples in web that customize the WS-Addressing ReplyTo/FaultTo endpoint reference. Basically I want to create a WS request like the following (see the wsa:ReplyTo element): <soapenv:Envelope ...> <soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa=""> <wsa:To soapenv

How do I use WS-Addressing properly in an Axis2 client?

你。 提交于 2019-12-04 03:17:47
问题 All, I'm attempting to write a Junit test that calls a Web Service client in Axis2.1.5, and I've gotten confused about how to exactly to set it up to use WS-Addressing. I've generated a client stub using wsdl2java, and I'm using the axis2.xml and modules repository from the axis2 binary distribution. I know I need to use the MemberSubmission version of the WS-Addressing, and I think I've got that set up correctly (using Options), but the headers don't seem to get generated correctly. (I say

How do I use WS-Addressing in WCF and set the wsa:replyto header?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-30 08:20:07
问题 I'm calling a BizTalk service using WCF. The service requires the wsa:replyto address to be set in the SOAP header to able to make a 'callback' when the process is done. We are using a contract-first approch with auto-generated code from svcutil (we cannot 'just' change the contract)... And it's not possible to do in the config file... I have seen someone 'overriding' some methods to make their own custom header - but this is not a custom header it's a standard in the SOAP protocol. How can I

What is WS-Addressing good for?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-30 02:56:20
I am just getting started with SOAP web services and stumbled across WS-Addressing. I have read the Wikipedia page , but I'm having a hard time understanding just what the point of WS-Addressing is. According to Wikipedia and various sources on the web, WS-Addressing allows to put "addressing information" or "routing information" into the header of a SOAP request. Why is this useful? If I send a request via HTTP (or even via SMTP or UDP), then the address I send to is the address of the server which will process my request, and the server can simply reply by the same channel. So why is

How do I use WS-Addressing in WCF and set the wsa:replyto header?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-29 06:22:09
I'm calling a BizTalk service using WCF. The service requires the wsa:replyto address to be set in the SOAP header to able to make a 'callback' when the process is done. We are using a contract-first approch with auto-generated code from svcutil (we cannot 'just' change the contract)... And it's not possible to do in the config file... I have seen someone 'overriding' some methods to make their own custom header - but this is not a custom header it's a standard in the SOAP protocol. How can I add the wsa:replyto in the (SOAP) header? In order to invoke a service that requires WS-Addressing