
项目填坑—HoloLens2 Vuforia结合开发

二次信任 提交于 2020-07-27 18:28:49
  这个是真的惨,一波三折远远不能形容我的心情,我面对bug无力的心情。   太难了,   1.让Vuforia给的HoloLens2 1+2 Sample运行起来就把我给坑惨了,一直以为是啥环境装错,跟着微软的教程,Vuforia的教程检查一边又一遍,Sample里面的Vuforia相关脚本就是不能继承自MonoBehavoiour,一运行也能运行,可只能运行Sample自带的场景,那我咋开发?   最后试出了自己的解决方法:   先从PackManage里面下载VuforiaAR的低版本,然后,在新场景新建ARCamera,ImageTrage,确认能运行,点升级,关项目,断网,打开项目,联网加载,好了。又这样,真的就这么简单。 还有一个学弟遇到的问题,就是重新联网后还是更新不了,真是绝了,最后牛逼的室友找到了解决方法   2.实现脱卡效果,试了写代码,好多方法,就是有问题,打开扩展跟踪UI和识别物一个天上一个地下就是不能见面。重点来了,最后,把UI做到Plane上可拖动,再打开扩展跟踪效果就非常好了。 只可惜目前只实现了图片跟踪,还没有做到实物跟踪。 来源: oschina 链接:


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-07-24 17:31:27
波士顿--(美国商业资讯)-- PTC (NASDAQ: PTC)今天宣布,它在“微软2020年度合作伙伴奖”(Microsoft 2020 Partner of the Year Awards)评选中 连续第二年 被评为“年度全球制造合作伙伴”(Global Manufacturing Partner of the Year)。PTC从微软在全球的众多顶级合作伙伴中脱颖而出,凭借在基于微软技术的客户解决方案的创新和实施方面所展现的出色表现而获此殊荣。 此新闻稿包含多媒体内容。完整新闻稿可在以下网址查阅: PTC总裁兼首席执行官Jim Heppelmann表示:“我们很高兴宣布PTC连续第二年被微软评为年度全球制造合作伙伴。 PTC和微软共同 帮助全球最大的一些组织实现了 数字化转型 。我们期待通过新推出的统包式云解决方案 Factory Insights as a Service 延续这种成功,该解决方案由来自PTC、罗克韦尔自动化(Rockwell Automation)和微软的技术提供支持。其突破了传统的转型方式,可以在整个组织内快速扩展,从而使企业能够缩短价值实现的初始时间。”

IVirtualButtonEventHandler interface not implementing in Unity

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-06-17 13:14:07
问题 I am working with virtual buttons in my unity vuforia project but i keep getting these errors. All examples I have seen show that the code is fine. Assets\DataFiles\Scripts\VirtualButtonScript.cs(27,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'VirtualButtonAbstractBehaviour' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Assets\DataFiles\Scripts\ARBCard.cs(32,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'VirtualButtonAbstractBehaviour' could not be found

Why is the Namespace “IUnityRenderPipeline” Suddenly Missing from the Vuforia Script?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-06-17 02:39:04
问题 I've been working in Unity the last month or so. I've gotten a few iterations of a basic AR application worked up but I've updated Unity and now my code is throwing all sorts of errors. Last week my app was working fine when building to my Pixel phone. Now that I've updated to Unity 2018.3.9, Vuforia 8.1 is now missing the name space mentioned in the title. Does anyone have any information on this? The app will play correctly if I restart Unity up until I try to build the application to the

高通AR Vuforia 打开闪光灯

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-30 23:59:06
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Vuforia; using UnityEngine.UI; public class OpenPhoneLight : MonoBehaviour { public Button flashBtn;//闪光灯的开关按钮 void Start() { var vuforia = VuforiaARController.Instance; //开始回调 vuforia.RegisterVuforiaStartedCallback(OnVuforiaStarted); flashBtn.onClick.AddListener(SwichtFlash); } private void OnVuforiaStarted() { //设置摄像机 自动对焦 自动对焦模式 Vuforia.CameraDevice.Instance.SetFocusMode(CameraDevice.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO); } public void OnFocusModeClick() { //对焦模式 CameraDevice.Instance.SetFocusMode

3D AR Markers with Project Tango

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-01-24 12:34:14
问题 I'm working on a project for an exhibition where an AR scene is supposed to be layered on top of a 3D printed object. Visitors will be given a device with the application pre-installed. Various objects should be seen around / on top of the exhibit, so the precision of tracking is quite important. We're using Unity to render the scene, this is not something that can be changed as we're already well into development. However, we're somewhat flexible on the technology we use to recognize the 3D

3D AR Markers with Project Tango

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-24 12:34:05
问题 I'm working on a project for an exhibition where an AR scene is supposed to be layered on top of a 3D printed object. Visitors will be given a device with the application pre-installed. Various objects should be seen around / on top of the exhibit, so the precision of tracking is quite important. We're using Unity to render the scene, this is not something that can be changed as we're already well into development. However, we're somewhat flexible on the technology we use to recognize the 3D

Unity 2019 - How to fix TextMeshPro 2.0 error cs0433

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-23 05:20:35
问题 I have just started new project that contains Vuforia SDK. After making some changes I decided to install GitHub extension from Asset Store to make some backup. After that my textMeshPro plugin went crazy, throwing an annoying error which I can't deal with. The error says: Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.0\Scripts\Editor\TMP_PackageUtilities.cs(310,17): error CS0433: The type 'Task' exists in both 'System.Threading, Version=1.0.3333.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken

Vuforia VideoPlayback example for 4.0?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-16 04:06:05
问题 Has anyone successfully ported Vuforia's 3.x VideoPlayback sample code to run under the new 4.0 libraries? 回答1: Ok this wasn't as hard as I thought. follow the instructions here to change the C++ library remove your libQCAR.a and headers in your build folders and replace it with libVuforia.a and headers change your build targets to include arm64 and standard architectures (you'll see it) search/replace all instances of ImageTracker with ObjectTarget change targetPositiveDimensions from Vec2F


旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-12 17:32:46
AR/MR 技术 实践内容 1、 图片识别与建模 2、 虚拟按键小游戏 实践过程 图片识别与建模 使用Vuforia 注册登录( 创建证书,用于获取License Key 创建目标数据库,用于对所有Target及其特征数据进行管理和保存 将单幅图像提前上传至数据库进行特征提取 上传成功 扩展AR功能 创建Unity新项目,在Vuforia官网中下载Unity扩展包,点击运行 将AR拓展文件放置在unity安装目录下,和unity.exe的保存目录相并列 创建一个新项目,File -> Build Setting -> Player Settings -> Player,勾选Vuforia Augmented Reality 此时可以找到Vuforia选项 以unity package形式从Target Manger页面下载目标数据库并导入项目 下载Target Manger页面的目标数据库并导入项目 导入 删除场景中原有的摄像机,导入Vuforia的ARCamera,此时会自动加载所需要的Assert,此时运行项目,可以看到场景为摄像头实景 在Assert/Resource下找到Vuforia配置文件,将证书管理器中获取的Key写入右侧方框 拷贝licence 找到Assert/resource下的Vuforia配置文件