
Best way to monitor uptime of a remote windows server? [closed]

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-11 19:46:27
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . The company I work with currently has 10 windows boxes running various in house scripts, however occasionally one goes down and no one notices for periods of up to 24 hours because the data that is manufactured is only gathered on weekly intervals. Does anyone know of a management system that will notify when a

Know if uptime timer is reset or Android has been rebooted

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-11 07:23:54
问题 I have a independent clock created in my application. The clock runs as a different thread in the activity, starting from a base time set by me. I update the clock using the difference between the uptimemillis when I set the clock, and the current uptimemillis. But the uptimetimer, can be reset by Android, and is ever reset when Android reboot. I only want to know if the uptime timer is reset, to know if the clock is still reliable. How? 回答1: According to the documentation you can use

Getting the uptime of a SunOS UNIX box in seconds only

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-10 13:19:24
问题 How do I determine the uptime on a SunOS UNIX box in seconds only? On Linux, I could simply cat /proc/uptime & take the first argument: cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}' I'm trying to do the same on a SunOS UNIX box, but there is no /proc/uptime. There is an uptime command which presents the following output: $ uptime 12:13pm up 227 day(s), 15:14, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 I don't really want to have to write code to convert the date into seconds only & I'm sure someone must

Cmd/PowerShell/SQL server: Is there any way to see how long a windows service has been running?

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-09 23:58:04
问题 So I managed to check if a sevice is running with sc query "ServiceName" | find "RUNNING" or net start | find "Service Name", or in SQL Server using xp_servicecontrol. Is there any way to see the uptime of a service? How can I see the uptime of a service? 回答1: As long as your service has it's own process name, this should work. PowerShell_v4> (Get-Process lync).StartTime Friday, October 17, 2014 11:46:04 If you're running under svchost.exe, i think you need to grab that from Event Log.

Measuring server uptime

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-08 10:00:59
问题 I'm creating an game server list, and I want to measure uptime for certain server (to be specific, uptime should be displayed in percents). I have configured a cronjob for my script, which is checking every 5 minutes if server is up or down, so I can easly get the server status. I need an idea on how can I measure each server uptime basing on the above data. I'd have to save down and up time for each server every one minute the script is executing? 回答1: If you don't care about many details

Zero downtime deployment Nodejs application

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-08 05:26:38
问题 I have a Nodejs application that included clustering for being uptime and domain for error handling. Now for achieving zero downtime deployment, I have an instruction but I need help to convert this instruction to Nodejs code (I need an example for it please). This is the instruction: When master starts, give it a symlink to worker code. After deploying new code, update symlink Send a signal to master: fork new workers! Mater tells old workers to shut down, forks new workers from new code.

CentOS 服务器性能查看

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-07 12:52:25
uptime uptime 可以对cpu使用情况进行监控。 [nukix@bogon ~]$ uptime # 当前时间 系统运行时间 当前登录用户数 系统平均负载 18:56:53 up 1 day, 3:55, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 free free 可以对内存和交换分区进行监控。 [nukix@bogon ~]$ free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 977M 680M 76M 8.7M 220M 100M Swap: 1.5G 397M 1.1G df df 可以查看系统磁盘的使用情况。 [nukix@bogon ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 14G 5.8G 7.5G 44% / devtmpfs 475M 0 475M 0% /dev tmpfs 489M 116K 489M 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 489M 21M 469M 5% /run tmpfs 489M 0 489M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sda1 297M 192M 106M 65% /boot tmpfs 98M 28K 98M 1%


我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-06 12:11:29
提到服务器宕机检测,大家会想到,宕机能够很快知道,这个有什么可做的?实际上,很多时候服务器宕机,并不总是被及时感知。服务器宕机,ping或者ssh这是最简单的做法,但真正的工程实践,没这么简单。 想要获知服务器宕机怎么办?可以通过服务器宕机实时检测: 1)发现宕机。 2)提前告警。 3)告知宕机的详细原因,如硬件故障,内核bug,网络异常等等。 4)自动报修生成工单。 我们知道,进行全网物理机宕机准确探测与实时发现,可以给宕机分析提供第一现场,获取第一现场的日志。也可以尽早将宕机数据推送给业务或运营感知并处理,如自动报修,业务迁移等,从而尽可能将业务影响降到最低。 更重要的是,准确的宕机发现数据可以为宕机预测提供准确的标注数据,为后期宕机预测提供数据基础,并且这些数据提供给运营部门进行整体分析,提升处理效率。 那么,如何可以准确发现宕机,减少误报呢?我们可以有以下操作,比如: 心跳源检测异常 顾名思义,通过心跳源,初步发现异常。通常心跳变化会有三类消息,update消息,delete消息和insert消息。心跳逻辑在于,正常情况下SA服务端与NC建立长连接,每数秒缓存一次心跳,每几分钟打包上报一次,但当NC异常时,长连接感知后,立即上报异常,并修改路由表。所以心跳异常做到秒级感知。 update消息,在有心跳发生变化情况下都会有,心跳异常和心跳恢复正常时都会发起,是主要的心跳来源。


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-05 11:08:24
提到服务器宕机检测,大家会想到,宕机能够很快知道,这个有什么可做的?实际上,很多时候服务器宕机,并不总是被及时感知。服务器宕机,ping或者ssh这是最简单的做法,但真正的工程实践,没这么简单。 想要获知服务器宕机怎么办?可以通过服务器宕机实时检测: 1)发现宕机。 2)提前告警。 3)告知宕机的详细原因,如硬件故障,内核bug,网络异常等等。 4)自动报修生成工单。 我们知道,进行全网物理机宕机准确探测与实时发现,可以给宕机分析提供第一现场,获取第一现场的日志。也可以尽早将宕机数据推送给业务或运营感知并处理,如自动报修,业务迁移等,从而尽可能将业务影响降到最低。 更重要的是,准确的宕机发现数据可以为宕机预测提供准确的标注数据,为后期宕机预测提供数据基础,并且这些数据提供给运营部门进行整体分析,提升处理效率。 那么,如何可以准确发现宕机,减少误报呢?我们可以有以下操作,比如: 心跳源检测异常 顾名思义,通过心跳源,初步发现异常。通常心跳变化会有三类消息,update消息,delete消息和insert消息。心跳逻辑在于,正常情况下SA服务端与NC建立长连接,每数秒缓存一次心跳,每几分钟打包上报一次,但当NC异常时,长连接感知后,立即上报异常,并修改路由表。所以心跳异常做到秒级感知。 update消息,在有心跳发生变化情况下都会有,心跳异常和心跳恢复正常时都会发起,是主要的心跳来源。