
Psycopg2 db connection hangs on lost network connection

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-04 17:10:02
问题 Problem description I'm using psycopg2 to connect to my PostgreSQL database on a remote host. I open a connection and wait for requests, then for each request I run queries on the connection and return data. But when the network connection is lost after the connection is already open the next db query hangs and I have to kill the program manually. Details: it hangs for at least 2 hours (I couldn't wait longer) the "network down" situation is actually VPN going down (db host is accesible only

Psycopg2 db connection hangs on lost network connection

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-04 17:06:34
问题 Problem description I'm using psycopg2 to connect to my PostgreSQL database on a remote host. I open a connection and wait for requests, then for each request I run queries on the connection and return data. But when the network connection is lost after the connection is already open the next db query hangs and I have to kill the program manually. Details: it hangs for at least 2 hours (I couldn't wait longer) the "network down" situation is actually VPN going down (db host is accesible only

Psycopg2 db connection hangs on lost network connection

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-04 17:05:42
问题 Problem description I'm using psycopg2 to connect to my PostgreSQL database on a remote host. I open a connection and wait for requests, then for each request I run queries on the connection and return data. But when the network connection is lost after the connection is already open the next db query hangs and I have to kill the program manually. Details: it hangs for at least 2 hours (I couldn't wait longer) the "network down" situation is actually VPN going down (db host is accesible only

Xcode 4.6 error - Timed out waiting for app to launch

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-02-04 10:45:19
问题 I am building an app in Release, and running on an iPhone 4s. When I click on run, everything works well, my application even runs on the iPhone. But after some times, I have an error from Xcode : "Timed out waiting for app to launch" while my app is still running. How to deal with it? 回答1: Check which provisioning you are using, it seems that ad-hoc provisioning cannot be used for debugging. If your problem is not solve with above instruction then also try these: Stop the app from running in

Bot built with MS Bot SDK 4 quites working for facebook channel after an hour or more of idle time

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-29 21:25:02
问题 There are several questions here and on git for v3 of the bot sdk wherein the bot gets 'unauthorized' responses after about an hour on my facebook channel, webchat works fine. I have that problem in the v4 SDK, using .net core 2.1, AspNetCore 2.1.6 and using something trivial like the echobot c# example. It is not clear to me if the unauthorized is coming from microsofts bot framework, or from facebook itself. Below is my code and the trace... Note that the failure appears to come out of :

Batch: Taskkill timeout without waiting for timer

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-01-29 17:53:30
问题 I'm writing a batch script which runs a few programs. As each program finishes what it's doing it waits for either the user to close it out, moving on to the next, or being closed by taskkill after a timeout of so many seconds. If I consider the main script as MAIN, the program as TASK and the timer as KILLER. The MAIN starts the TASK and KILLER at (about) the same time. TASK does what it's supposed to and KILLER waits 600 seconds before killing TASK. However if TASK were closed by the user

C++ - Modern way to implement JS's setTimeout

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-01-29 10:44:53
问题 I am building an app where requests come in on a zeromq socket. For each request I want to do some processing and send a response, however if a predefined time elapses I want to send the response immediately. In node.js, I would do something like: async function onRequest(req, sendResponse) { let done = false; setTimeout(() => { if (!done) { done = true; sendResponse('TIMED_OUT'); } }, 10000); await doSomeWork(req); // do some async work if (!done) { done = true; sendResponse('Work done'); }

C# and Arduino Timeout function

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-29 08:50:56
问题 I'm currently working with a Arduino IDE and C# enviroment for a project. The principal idea is write and read values from some variables. I would like implement a Timeout after I change a variable to confirm that the change was done correctly or if happend a communication error. Could Anyone helpme with a Link or PDF info to understan the way to implement this feature? This is a part from the code: C# private void connectToArduino() { isConnected = true; string selectedPort = comboBox1

How to call a function on jQuery Ajax timeout

十年热恋 提交于 2021-01-29 05:56:07
问题 I am making an ajax call to a php file on my server. That php file retrieves some info from various websites, so an ajax call can take 30 seconds to complete in the worst case. All I want to do is to set a timeout value for the ajax call and to trigger a function when timeout is reached. I think jQuery .complete is what I am looking for since it is called in any case but how to detect if it is called on timeout? 回答1: Actually, you can use .error for that instead of .complete . error(jqXHR,

RxJava combine Observable with another optional Observable with timeout

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-29 04:32:16
问题 Asume we have two observables A and B . A publishes a result certainly, while the result from B might not be published at all (timeout). The question is how to map the result from A and B if B returns within a timeframe, otherwise just return the result from A . Observable<DatabaseObject> A = getDatabaseElement(); Observable<NetworkObject> B = restApi.getElement(); Map example: map((databaseObject, networkObject) => { databaseObject.setData(networkObject); return databaseObject; }) 回答1: In