
How to create tabs in javascript?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-07-22 21:38:05
问题 I've been trying to create tabs in JavaScript. When clicking on a new tab the active class should be applied to it as well as its associated panel content should be displayed. However, the active class isn't being applied when another tab is clicked and the panels are not changing either, they are just stacking on top of each other. const tabs = document.querySelector(".tabs"); const active = document.querySelector(".active"); const panel = document.querySelector(".panel"); function

How to create tabs in javascript?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-07-22 21:37:21
问题 I've been trying to create tabs in JavaScript. When clicking on a new tab the active class should be applied to it as well as its associated panel content should be displayed. However, the active class isn't being applied when another tab is clicked and the panels are not changing either, they are just stacking on top of each other. const tabs = document.querySelector(".tabs"); const active = document.querySelector(".active"); const panel = document.querySelector(".panel"); function

Hide the TabControl header

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-07-16 17:43:37
问题 What's the programmatic way (ie not using styles as in this question, but using code) to hide the TabControl header? I'll be glad for a snippet. 回答1: Style s = new Style(); s.Setters.Add(new Setter(UIElement.VisibilityProperty, Visibility.Collapsed)); tabControl.ItemContainerStyle = s; 回答2: Actually, it's very straight forward to hide the tab strip. You just set each TabItem s Visibility to Collapsed . You still see the tab content,...just not the tab header itself. 回答3: Simple XAML Style

Hide the TabControl header

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-07-16 17:42:03
问题 What's the programmatic way (ie not using styles as in this question, but using code) to hide the TabControl header? I'll be glad for a snippet. 回答1: Style s = new Style(); s.Setters.Add(new Setter(UIElement.VisibilityProperty, Visibility.Collapsed)); tabControl.ItemContainerStyle = s; 回答2: Actually, it's very straight forward to hide the tab strip. You just set each TabItem s Visibility to Collapsed . You still see the tab content,...just not the tab header itself. 回答3: Simple XAML Style

Flutter tabview refresh issue

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-07-05 11:26:52
问题 I have a TabBarView in my main.dart and every tab got a class to show the content(it's listview object), when i go between the tabs, the listview page refresh everytime, is it normal for tabbarview? I don't expect it will refresh everytime when i go between the tabs. is it the problem my class? how to fix this? the code is something like this. class ListWidget extends StatefulWidget { final catID; ListWidget(this.catID); _ListWidgetState createState() => new _ListWidgetState(catID); } class

Flutter tabview refresh issue

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-07-05 11:26:48
问题 I have a TabBarView in my main.dart and every tab got a class to show the content(it's listview object), when i go between the tabs, the listview page refresh everytime, is it normal for tabbarview? I don't expect it will refresh everytime when i go between the tabs. is it the problem my class? how to fix this? the code is something like this. class ListWidget extends StatefulWidget { final catID; ListWidget(this.catID); _ListWidgetState createState() => new _ListWidgetState(catID); } class

Is there a way to stop longer Xamarin Shell tab titles being truncated?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-07-01 23:33:24
问题 I'm doing some testing with the Tab Bar in Xamarin Shell. If the tab's title is too long it gets truncated even though there is clearly more than enough room to show the whole title. Is there a way to stop the text being truncated? In the example in the images I've attached, this happens only when the tab is selected because of the font size increase. But can happen even when the tab is unselected if the title is long enough. Longer title fitting on unselected tab. Longer title being

Cocoa: Open the links with Target_blank in a new tabs? WKWebview

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-06-29 06:41:16
问题 I created a cocoa web browser application. I was testing out my browser and I couldn’t open the links with target_blank . So I found a question on stack overflow. I used that answer and tested it out and I could open the links. But, the links would open in the same web page. I want it to open in a new tab. So I found this web page that tells me how to add nswindow tabs to my application I added tabs to my cocoa browser. Here are the codes I added I used the code below to create tabs in my

Xamarin form: Can Add tabs in Shell App programmatically on the contentpage

房东的猫 提交于 2020-06-29 04:19:17
问题 I finding through the google but could not find the result. I have a Shell setup Xamarin form application. Eventhough I am not fully use it's functionally but there is a tab setup in xaml file. I am wonder can i have a content page hosted under the shellContent and add Tabs from the contentPage. 回答1: Do you want to achieve it like this GIF? You can add x:Name for TabBar in AppShell.xml like this code. <TabBar x:Name="myTabBars"> <Tab Title="Browse" Icon="tab_feed.png"> <ShellContent

Decrease the tabs bar height in gnome terminal

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-06-25 07:53:46
问题 I recently installed Lubuntu 16.04 with gnome-terminal. I like gnome-terminal to consume less space on monitor. But latest version comes with two annoying buttons at the right top corner which makes no sense to me. Because, user who prefer terminals are more likely to use keyboard shortcuts to do tabs operations rather than go for mouse clicks. With these two extra buttons tabs bar got wider and uses more space on the monitor. Click here for Screenshot . Please help me in removing this extra