
How to bind a array with a single data to a form using the Action file in Symfony

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-01-03 04:59:08
问题 I need to add a variable to be displayed as a default in the form in the widget area, I have set a filter to select a single value according to a different name in the dropdown. i have set the selected data to a session. and from that session i have taken that data to the action file. I want to display the selected data in the form dropdown with out creating a submit event. the form is displayed below public function configure() { //the dropdown $cost_range[''] = '-- Please select --'; for (

How do you override your team's default databases.yml in Doctrine for using your local settings?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-02 11:00:14
问题 Looking for a way to cleanly override the values of databases.yml in Doctrine / Symfony in order to use my own local settings? The idea is not touching databases.yml and using some sort of local unversioned file to override that default. I'm trying to find out how without much success yet :/ 回答1: For this kind of configuration file, that contains stuff that depends on the environment (dev, testing, staging, production, ...) , I generally use one file per environment, and all are commited to

Orange Hrm 3.1- adding new menu title to tab

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-02 07:09:17
问题 i m new to symfony framework , i m using orangehrm-3.1.1 i have added a new menu title in the second level tab , but i dont know how to navigate to the particualar href link. Please help me out with the steps. 回答1: Here is how I add menu item via database. To add a menu in orangehrm there are 3 tables you should check: ohrm_screen ohrm_menu_item (the menu hierarchy) ohrm_user_role_screen (the user role permissions to specific screen) First, add your link into ohrm_screen , specify your module

Symfony - Is it possible to disable output escaping per module (or per template)?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-01 09:37:06
问题 I'm trying to output some HTML in an XML template and Symfony's escaping method is messing it up. So I tried making a copy of settings.yml in the module's config folder, but it seems to be completely ignored. Is there an easy way to change the escaping_strategy and/or escaping_method settings per module or even per template? 回答1: While output escaping is turned on you still have access to the raw value through $sf_data . For example, if the HTML you're trying to output was stored in a

Symfony Multiple application interaction

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-01-01 03:14:12
问题 In symfony 1.4, how to call an action of another application from the current action? 回答1: There's a blog post about that here: There's a plugin for it: And there are some blogposts explaining it: (Note: both are for symfony 1.2, but

Symfony Multiple application interaction

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-01 03:14:07
问题 In symfony 1.4, how to call an action of another application from the current action? 回答1: There's a blog post about that here: There's a plugin for it: And there are some blogposts explaining it: (Note: both are for symfony 1.2, but

How to retrieve the next item in a list of MySQL records?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-31 05:19:35
问题 I'm working with symfony using Propel trying to create functionality for back and next buttons: $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(CartPeer::CATEGORY, $category); $c->add(CartPeer::ITEM_ID, $item->getItemId(), Criteria::GREATER_THAN); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(CartPeer::ITEM_NAME); $this->next = CartPeer::doSelectOne($c); Now, this works fine if the item's identifiers are in ascending order, but usually this is not the case. How can I modify this code so it selects the item immediately after

How to sort own columns in admin panel with symfony?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-31 04:10:48
问题 M schema.yml: News: columns: title: type: string(50) category_id: type: integer(4) relations: Category: local: category_id foreign: category_id type: one Category: columns: category_name: type: string(50) generator: class: sfDoctrineGenerator param: model_class: News theme: admin non_verbose_templates: true with_show: false singular: ~ plural: ~ route_prefix: news with_doctrine_route: true actions_base_class: sfActions config: actions: ~ fields: ~ list: display: [news_id, title, category_name

Symfony: pass parameter between actions (with a redirect)

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-30 18:42:06
问题 I am redirecting from one action (executeProcess) to another (executeIndex). I want to be able to pass a parameter/variable along, without using GET (e.g. $this->redirect('index', array('example'=>'true')) ) Is there a way I can directly pass parameters without having it directly displayed in the URL? (e.g. POST). thanks. 回答1: Why dont you use sessions to store values before redirecting, and then getting them on the other action after you redirected? like: class ActionClass1 extendes

How to query NOT NULL with Doctrine?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-30 07:55:47
问题 I have table Test: Test: id | name 1 | aaa 2 | 3 | ccc 4 | aaa 5 | 6 | ddd I want result where name is NOT NULL: aaa ccc aaa ddd How can i get with: Doctrine_Core::getTable('Test')->findBy('name', NOTNULL??) <-doesnt working and in model with: $this->createQuery('u') ->where('name = ?', NOTNULL ???) <- doesnt working ->execute(); 回答1: Try this: $this->createQuery('u') ->where('name IS NOT NULL') ->execute(); which is standard SQL syntax. Doctrine doesn't convert Null values into proper sql.