
Strophe disconnecting from Ejabbered with Status 10

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-01-28 08:59:30
问题 In my ionic 4 application, I am using strophe.js to connect to Ejabbered server. In the application after status connected I am able to see chats successfully but after sometime it gets disconnected on its own and chats disappear without doing any thing. In the logs,Strophe is disconnecting with following status: EjabService [Connection] Unknown status received: and status is 10 Also on few devices, not able to see chats due to connection problem. Ejabbered version installed: 20.03 Here is


陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-03 05:38:50
首先我用的是Openfire版本是:3.10.3 下载地址 Openfire ; 安装就不说了, 安装完成需要做的设置 1.安装2个插件 在openfire 有效的插件里有 这2个插件都是用来做WEB端用户添加、更新、查询openfire账号和查询用户状态的 PHP 端 方法就放出来一个 还有都是业务端的 插件都有文档大家可以自己去看看 基本业务都是和插件有关的 /** *//这个需要安装OPenfire User Service插件 * 获取用户当前在线状态 * * @param unknown $username * @return mixed text[空闲、在线、离开、电话中、正忙、unavailable] */ function get_of_user_status($username) { $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG'];//设置的全局变量 $of_ip = $_CFG['chat_server_ip'];//openfire 服务器地址 $of_port = $_CFG['chat_server_port'];//插件端口一般默认9090 $of_url = get_of_url($of_ip, $of_port); $of_domain = $_CFG['chat_server_ip'];//这个是openfire 服务器名称 $url = $of