

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-03-06 09:49:12
1.下载stackless 以python 2.65 为例,版本不同的可相应修改 # cd /usr/src # wget # tar jxvf stackless-265-export.tar.bz2 2.编译 python-2.6.5-stackless,安装到/opt目录 # cd /usr/src/python-2.6.5-stackless/ # ./configure --prefix=/opt/stackless --with-readline --with-zlib=/usr/include # make # make install 3.生效 # export PATH=/opt/stackless/bin:"$PATH" 或者在 /etc/profile 末尾加上该内容,source /etc/profile 以生效 来源: oschina 链接:

Which programming languages support hot code swapping and/or sandboxing?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-20 12:46:10
问题 I would like to write a web based MMO game that will allow users to write AI and run it as part of the game. I plan to use Html5 for graphics and want this to be web based so it can be accessed from smartphones. I need to find a programming language that will support sandboxing, concurrency, hot code swapping, and a large library to make things easier. At this time my research is turning up Erlang, Stackless Python, and Lua. Any help is appreciated. 回答1: Erlang does not support sandboxing, so

Are there stackless or heapless implementation of C++?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-17 07:33:07
问题 C++ standard does not mention anything about the stack or the heap, they are implementation specific , which is true. Even though they are not part of the C++ standard, we end up using them anyway, so much that it's like they are part of the language itself and have to be taken into consideration for memory or performance purpose. Hence my question are there implementations of C++ that doesn't use stacks and heaps? 回答1: Others have already given good answers about the heap, so I'll leave that


China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-07 04:16:31
【JIT】 即时编译(Just-in-time compilation),又称为动态编译,是一种提高程序运行效率的方法。 通常程序有两种编译方式:静态编译与动态编译(直译)。在静态编译中,程序在执行前全部被翻译为机器码,而动态直译则是边运行边翻译。 即时编译器则混合了这二者,一句一句编译源代码,但是会将翻译过的代码缓存起来以降低性能损耗。相对于静态编译代码,即时编译的代码可以处理延迟绑定并增强安全性。即时编译器有两种类型,一是字节码翻译,二是动态编译翻译。 另外,一般来讲编译执行比解释执行要快,但是编译之后又不能跨平台,那我们就到目标平台上去,先编译再执行,这样就比纯解释要快了。这种编译是在“运行”的时候自动进行的,所以叫即时编译(JIT)。 【 Django 】 Django是一个开放源代码的Web应用框架,由Python写成。采用了MVC(Model View Controller)的设计模式,M是指数据模型,V是指用户界面,C则是控制器。 它最初是被开发来用于管理劳伦斯出版集团旗下的一些以新闻内容为主的网站的。并于2005年7月在BSD许可证下发布。这套框架是以比利时的吉普赛爵士吉他手Django Reinhardt来命名的。 Django的主要目标是使得开发复杂的、数据库驱动的网站变得简单。Django注重组件的重用性和“可插拔性”,敏捷开发和DRY(Don't

What challenges promote the use of parallel/concurrent architectures?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-05 01:51:18
问题 I am quite excited by the possibility of using languages which have parallelism / concurrency built in, such as stackless python and erlang, and have a firm belief that we'll all have to move in that direction before too long - or will want to because it will be a good/easy way to get to scalability and performance. However, I am so used to thinking about solutions in a linear/serial/OOP/functional way that I am struggling to cast any of my domain problems in a way that merits using

Are there stackless or heapless implementation of C++?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-27 04:48:42
C++ standard does not mention anything about the stack or the heap, they are implementation specific , which is true. Even though they are not part of the C++ standard, we end up using them anyway, so much that it's like they are part of the language itself and have to be taken into consideration for memory or performance purpose. Hence my question are there implementations of C++ that doesn't use stacks and heaps? Others have already given good answers about the heap, so I'll leave that alone. Some implementations (e.g., on IBM mainframes) don't use a stack as most people would think of it,

How does a stackless language work?

久未见 提交于 2019-11-26 17:09:36
I've heard of stackless languages. However I don't have any idea how such a language would be implemented. Can someone explain? The modern operating systems we have (Windows, Linux) operate with what I call the "big stack model". And that model is wrong, sometimes, and motivates the need for "stackless" languages. The "big stack model" assumes that a compiled program will allocate "stack frames" for function calls in a contiguous region of memory, using machine instructions to adjust registers containing the stack pointer (and optional stack frame pointer) very rapidly. This leads to fast

How does a stackless language work?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-11-26 06:04:50
问题 I\'ve heard of stackless languages. However I don\'t have any idea how such a language would be implemented. Can someone explain? 回答1: The modern operating systems we have (Windows, Linux) operate with what I call the "big stack model". And that model is wrong, sometimes, and motivates the need for "stackless" languages. The "big stack model" assumes that a compiled program will allocate "stack frames" for function calls in a contiguous region of memory, using machine instructions to adjust