
sql update multiple rows with multi join subselect

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-26 13:22:07
问题 This is an updated part 2 of a question I asked earlier. I'm trying to make the following update, but this query does not actually seem to do anything. UPDATE u SET graduation_class_id = gc.graduation_class_id FROM [user] u JOIN graduation_class gc ON u.graduation_class_id = gc.graduation_class_id JOIN graduation_term gt ON gt.graduation_year_id = gc.graduation_year_id TABLE SCHEMA **user user_id graduation_class_id **graduation_class graduation_class_id graduation_year_id **graduation_term

Insert statement with sub queries

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-25 16:53:44
问题 I am trying to populate some columns in an INSERT statement, but I am trying to use multiple select statements in one INSERT statement. Perhaps this is wrong. Not sure. I am working with 2 databases. ADVNET and JANEL I am trying to populate 4 columns in the ADVNET.dbo.KenCatItemTest Column CategoryItemId{uniqueidentifier,not null} I need to use NEWID() to generate a uniqueidentifier, but can't get it to go. Column ItemId{uniqueidentifier,not null}, I need to get these 33 rows from this

How can I loop through a table within a stored procedure?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-20 02:32:16
问题 This question evolved from this one. I have two tables that I need to query and glean some calculated sums from; I need a result set based on units -- one row for each Unit, with calculated data for them folded into that row. The two tables contain the following pertinent members: CustomerCategoryLog : Unit varchar(25) MemberNo varchar(10) Category varchar(50) Subcategory varchar(50) BeginDate Datetime EndDate Datetime ReportingMonthlySales : Unit (VarChar) MemberNo (VarChar) MonthlySales

How would I join to a subselect (a scope) using Rails 3 and Arel?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-01 00:58:25
I need to join a table to the a select/group-by query (which includes the same table), and I'd like to do it using Arel. I have a table of :phenotypes which are has_and_belongs_to_many :genes , which are themselves has_and_belongs_to_many :orthogroups . As a result, the relationship between phenotypes and orthogroups are many-to-many. I have two scopes (on Orthogroup) which get all orthogroups associated with a specific phenotype: scope :with_phenotype, lambda { |phenotype_id| where("observations.phenotype_id = ?", phenotype_id). joins("inner join orthologies on (orthologies.orthogroup_id =

FetchMode Join vs SubSelect

若如初见. 提交于 2019-11-28 06:00:05
I have two tables Employee and Department following are the entity classes for both of them Department.java @Entity @Table(name = "DEPARTMENT") public class Department { @Id @Column(name = "DEPARTMENT_ID") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Integer departmentId; @Column(name = "DEPARTMENT_NAME") private String departmentName; @Column(name = "LOCATION") private String location; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "department", orphanRemoval = true) @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) //@Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) private List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>(); }

FetchMode Join vs SubSelect

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-27 01:07:50
问题 I have two tables Employee and Department following are the entity classes for both of them Department.java @Entity @Table(name = "DEPARTMENT") public class Department { @Id @Column(name = "DEPARTMENT_ID") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Integer departmentId; @Column(name = "DEPARTMENT_NAME") private String departmentName; @Column(name = "LOCATION") private String location; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "department", orphanRemoval = true) @Fetch