
Solr6.2.0 + zookeeper 集群配置

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-24 06:42:35
zookeeper1 : zookeeper2 : zookeeper3 : solr1 : solr2 : solr3 : JDK安装目录:/data/jdk Solr安装目录:/data/SolrCloud/Solr/solr Solr配置文件目录:/data/SolrCloud/Solr/solr-config Solr数据文件目录:/data/SolrCloud/solr-cores Tomcat安装目录:/data/tomcat 除了安装JDK的目录不需要创建,其它目录都需要进行创建 6台集群全部安装 基础环境配置 tomcat jdk, 1. tomcat放置目录为 /data/tomcat 2. jdk 放置目录为 /data/jdk solr集群安装: solr1服务器上操作 解压 solr-6.2.0.tgz ,并把solr.war解压到/data/SolrCloud/Solr/solr 目录下。 tar -zxvf solr-6.2.0.tgz mv /data/solr-6.2.0/server/solr-webapp/webapp /data/SolrCloud

Solr Cloud with Basic Authentication fails - Unauthorized 401 Error from Solr Admin

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-23 12:26:44
问题 I have setup SolrCloud using Solr 6.6.0 and Zookeeper 3.4.10. I am trying to setup Basic Authentication as per latest documentation at Issue is that the authentication does not work. After setup, I am unable to access Solr Admin console as it does not accept the username/password that was setup. Below are the Steps with detailed info: 1) Started Zookeeper listening on port 2181 2) Started Solr cloud mode connecting

Solr: Using the Block Join Children Query Parser

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-22 13:57:31
问题 Currently I evaluate the Block Join Children Query Parser as described here. Therefore I have created the following collection: curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=nestedPerson&numShards=6"` Then I have inserted these two documents: curl http://localhost:8983/solr/nestedPerson/update?commitWithin=3000 -d '<add> <doc> <field name="id">p1</field> <field name="deceased">false</field> <doc> <field name="id">c1</field> <field name="firstName">Bob</field> </doc> <

solr multicore vs sharding vs 1 big collection

你。 提交于 2019-12-22 10:55:10
问题 I currently have a single collection with 40 million documents and index size of 25 GB. The collections gets updated every n minutes and as a result the number of deleted documents is constantly growing. The data in the collection is an amalgamation of more than 1000+ customer records. The number of documents per each customer is around 100,000 records on average. Now that being said, I 'm trying to get an handle on the growing deleted document size. Because of the growing index size both the

SolrCloud Indexing/Querying without a Smart-Client

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-22 10:38:06
问题 I'm having a bit of trouble understanding exactly how indexing and querying would work if I don't have a smart-client available. I'm using SolrNet with C#, which currently doesn't integrate with ZooKeeper. As a basic example, let's say I have a single collection, split into two shards, replicated across two separate nodes/servers, and I have a standard HTTP load-balancer in front of the servers (a scenario mentioned here). If I use the standard compositeId router, I believe that indexing

Cannot talk to ZooKeeper - Updates are disabled

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-22 04:55:15
问题 We are facing one peculiar issue with Zoo Keeper wherein the ZK loses connectivity with solr cloud all of a sudden and starts throwing an Exception which says "Cannot talk to ZooKeeper - Updates are disabled." Our application has 2 solr clusters setup separately on 2 different data centers. Each of these clusters has the same configurations and data and is expected to take the same incremental load. Application users need the changes made by them to reflect in the search with almost immediate

How to add a node to SolrCloud dynamically without SPLITSHARD?

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-21 05:48:08
问题 I have setup SolrCloud with 4 shards. I added 8 nodes to the SolrCloud(4 Leaders and 4 Replicas). Each node is running in different machine. But later I identified that my data is growing more and more(daily 4 million files) so that my 4 shards are not sufficient. So, I want to add one more shard to this SolrCloud dynamically. When I add a new node that is created as replica,that is not what I want. When I search for this in Google, the answers I got is use Collection API SPLITSHARD . If I

What is the difference between Solr Replication and Solr Cloud?

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-21 05:19:08
问题 I'm supporting on rails project, which contain rails app and additional instance with Solr. My environment: rails 3.2.1, ruby 2.1.2, sunspot 2.1.0, Solr 4.1.6. Problem: Clould provider is not stable. I cannot use other cloud provider - it is customer's demand. Oftentimes search server goes on maintenance and web application stop working on production. So, I think about how to make 2 identical search servers instead of one, to make system more stable: if one server will be down, other will


Deadly 提交于 2019-12-21 04:40:34
前提条件 Jdk环境,三个Zookeeper实例 Zookeeper的安装步骤 第一步:把zookeeper的安装包上传到服务器 第二步:解压缩。 [root@bogon ~]# tar -zxf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz [root@bogon ~]# 第三步:在/usr/local/目录下创建一个solrcloud目录。把zookeeper解压后的文件夹复制到此目录下三份。分别命名为zookeeper1、2、3 [root@bogon ~]# mkdir /usr/local/solrcloud [root@bogon ~]# mv zookeeper-3.4.6 /usr/local/solrcloud/zookeeper1 [root@bogon ~]# cd /usr/local/solrcloud [root@bogon solrcloud]# ll total 4 drwxr-xr-x. 10 1000 1000 4096 Feb 20 2014 zookeeper1 [root@bogon solrcloud]# cp -r zookeeper1/ zookeeper2 [root@bogon solrcloud]# cp -r zookeeper1/ zookeeper3 [root@bogon solrcloud]# 第四步

Error when start Solr cloud, due to location of 3rd party libraries

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-20 15:12:36
问题 I tried to migrate to Solr 3.1 , my project uses Dataimport handler , when I started solr it asked me SolrCoreAwar not found I copied the following file to lib directory apache-solr-dataimporthandler-3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar but again an error appeared when stating solr I need to fix this problem , if you can help Thank You The next message is the exception I get When Starting Solr 3.1 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.slf4j.LoggerFactory at org.apache.solr.handler