
NHibernate - counters with concurrency and second-level-caching

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 03:35:46
问题 I'm new to NHibernate and am having difficulties setting it up for my current website. This website will run on multiple webservers with one database server, and this leaves me facing some concurrency issues. The website will have an estimated 50.000 users or so registered, and each user will have a profile page. On this page, other users can 'like' another user, much like Facebook. This is were the concurrency problem kicks in. I was thinking of using second-level cache, most likely using

infinispan as second level cache hibernate

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-10 16:39:58
问题 Trying to use infinispan as a second level cache for hibernate but always gives me the following error org.infinispan.jmx.JmxDomainConflictException: ISPN000034: There's already a JMX MBean instance type=CacheManager,name="DefaultCacheManager" already registered under 'org.infinispan' JMX domain. If you want to allow multiple instances configured with same JMX domain enable 'allowDuplicateDomains' attribute in 'globalJmxStatistics' config element at org.infinispan.jmx.JmxUtil.buildJmxDomain

Doesn't nhibernates suggestion of putting everything in a transaction work against the idea of lazy loading?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-10 11:43:28
问题 I have an site and i am trying to understand the recommended practice around transactions and lazy loading. When doing research around implementating nhibernate second level cache, one rule of thumb is around wrapping everything in a transaction (see here and here). I am trying to reconcile this point with how lazy loading works because they seems to be at odds given deferred query execution. Lets say i have a query that looks like this . . I have two entities: Project Owner Here

How hibernate ensures second level cache is updated with latest data in database

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-10 02:20:49
问题 I have read that using hibernate's second level cache, it can improve applications performance by having less database hits for data / object retrieval. However, how does hibernate ensure that second level cache is up to date with the data in database. For, example: Suppose the below class is entity and persisted into the DB. @Entity class User { Id private int id; private String str; } Now, if we have enabled second level cache, I understand that if we open different sessions then each

JPA shared cache / second level cache in WildFly

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-08 20:36:32
问题 I'm using WildFly 8.1 so JPA 2.1 and Hibernate 4.3.5 I want to use JPA shared cache / second level cache in WildFly I follow the WildFly documentation: here is my persitience.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns

Nhibernate 2nd level caching issues / questions when moving from a single web server to a multiple web server load balanced environment

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-08 18:21:21
问题 My previous setup was a single web server and a single database server. I was using nhibernate 2nd level caching to cache stuff to avoid lots of calls going to the database. This has worked great as i was using this this assembly nhibernate.caches.syscache and added this code to turn on the second level caching (using the regular syscache provider): return configuration .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<ApplicationMap>().Conventions.Add(typeof(Conventions)))

When hibernate performs sync between second level cache and DB with various Cache modes?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-08 04:02:40
问题 I have been going through hibernate documentation talking about second level cache and query cache and left with questions regarding the second level cache sync to DB and vice verse. Every session can define its own cache mode say NORMAL, GET, PUT and REFRESH. Will 2L cache <-> DB sync happens in all cases, If so when it will happen exactly? Thanks much in advance. 回答1: A DROP FROM AN OCEAN Talking about 2nd Level cache, directly comes to usage- specifies the caching strategy: transactional,

Hibernate second level cache - print result

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-07 08:14:16
问题 I defined a second level cache in my application using @Cache annotation I am using findById query, as the following: long id = 4; Company cmp = companyDAO.findById(id); Where Company is the object that I get from the DB. How can I check if the Company object came from the DB or from the cache? 回答1: Try HitCount and/or MissCount API. Something like this..... int oldMissCount = sessionFactory.getStatistics().getSecondLevelCacheStatistics(rName).getMissCount(); int oldHitCount = sessionFactory

When hibernate performs sync between second level cache and DB with various Cache modes?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-06 20:03:25
I have been going through hibernate documentation talking about second level cache and query cache and left with questions regarding the second level cache sync to DB and vice verse. Every session can define its own cache mode say NORMAL, GET, PUT and REFRESH. Will 2L cache <-> DB sync happens in all cases, If so when it will happen exactly? Thanks much in advance. A DROP FROM AN OCEAN Talking about 2nd Level cache, directly comes to usage- specifies the caching strategy: transactional, read-write, nonstrict-read-write or read-only In terms of entity caches, the expected call sequences for

NHibernate + ASP.NET + Open Session in View + L2Cache

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-06 06:51:40
问题 I am using CodeProject's well known Open Session in View to handle NHibernate Sessions. Does it works well with Level 2 Cache ? Anyone has succeeded doing it? Should I use NH.Burrow instead? Any advice on l2 cache in best practices is appreciated. Edit: link to CodeProject's article: 回答1: I use the Unit of Work pattern to handle my session. Then I create an HttpModule that implements a "Session Per Web Request"