
Using OAuth with Scribe on Android

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-20 10:48:39
问题 Hi I'm using the scribe library for OAuth communication with LInkedIn. I have a login class and a query class. The login class creates a service to get my request token and secret and creates my access token. The access token is then saved to the preferences file. This seems to work fine and I can make a successful api call after all the tokens have been created. In my OAuth query class i retrieve the access token, create another service and try to make an API call, but when ever I load an

HTTP PUT to upload a file in Java

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-13 12:04:33
问题 Edit: I think I've figured out how to do the binary data part. Double check it in the code, but I'm pretty sure I've got it right. Now I'm getting a new error when trying to complete the upload as described in the Vimeo API documentation Edit 2: Added .debug() to the OAuthService and updated the output. Original Question : I'm trying to upload a video to Vimeo using the Vimeo API (Streaming Method). I'm using scribe to authorize my app, get my access token and prepare for the video upload. I cannot be found after upgrading Java

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-12 13:34:49
问题 I have an application created with Play 2.0. I implemented scribe-java library to use some OAuth services. Until today everything was fine but when I upgrade jdk and reboot the server I couldn't use scribe-java library. It seems it uses some classes like sun/security/pkcs11/P11Key and sun/security/pkcs11/Length in package but couldn't find it. "java -version" returns this: java version "1.7.0_03" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.1.1pre) (7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu3) OpenJDK

Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-12 05:38:45
问题 I'm currently using Scribe to both authenticate and post non-media messages to Twitter successfully. This was very easy, my first test message posted with no issues. However, I can't seem to post photos at all. I have reviewed Twitter's instructions for posting with media, both here and here. All of the Scribe/Twitter examples at Github are for non-media posts. It would be great if someone could provide a solid example of how to post photos to Twitter via Scribe! I'm have two issues in

grails: Unknown tag (oauth:connect)

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-11 23:26:52
问题 my gsp page: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="layout" content="main"/> </head> <body> <oauth:connect provider="twitter">Connect to Twitter</oauth:connect> </body> </html> when I run application I jut get plain text : Connect to Twitter Don't get any button or link and sts says: Unknown tag (oauth:connect). I have added following things in BuildConfig.groovy plugins { compile ':oauth:2.1.0' runtime ':oauth:2.1.0' } repositories { mavenRepo "" } And

Getting user Email Yahoo Oauth (using Scribe-Java API)

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-11 02:57:19
问题 Trying to access user profile from Yahoo using Oauth system and for that i am taking help of Scribe-Java API its working fine except one issue whcih i am sure not related to the API i am using In my yahoo profile i have following settings Yahoo! Email ---> Email---> Primary - Change So what i am getting back is which means i am not able to get correct information of the logged in user.Once i am able to get guid i am sending the


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-08 18:43:51
背景 日志,角色不同,出发点和认识的角度也不同 RD使用日志,首先是为了调试程序,当程序上线后,日志是为了记录err和trace。 PM可以通过日志分析,可以得出业务指标相关的统计情况。 日志的作用大致有三:异常、trace、统计。 日志使用的痛点 使用日志时大部分的场景或特点如下: 1.日志为纯文本,即可读。 2.日志分散在各个机器上,或者同步到某一台机器。 3.某某发现一个问题,让某某去查log。 这里有几个问题,或者说提高点 1.文本冗余度太大,浪费资源,如果转换为二进制,预估有5倍的收益。 2.日志分散,查找效率低,即使集中,在没有具体时间点情况下,扫描日志会很慢。 3.日志分析难度大,谁写的日志谁来查,查到和肉眼找到还差一步... 目标 所以,我们可以设计这样一个日志系统 1.支持海量数据的日志存储(TB二进制) 2.日志二进制、结构化 3.查询速度快,难度低 设计 读写日志 日志查询过程经分解和总结共性后,几乎是下边三种情况 1.K-V查询,比如基于某个消息ID,查询一条记录。 2.集合查询,比如查询某个用户的消息记录。 3.集合range查询,比如查询某个用户0点到1点消息记录。 那么,ssdb是非常适合这三个需求的。 日志系统具有写多读少的特定,再基于磁盘存储的业界主流方案,LSM是适合的, 而SSDB的存储依赖的leveldb正好属于LSM系。 日志二进制

Post a message to LinkedIn with Scribe in not working in Android

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-08 09:48:14
问题 Below is the code to send a post message. On my screen i have an EditText section to allow the user to enter text and when they hit post the sendMessage function is called. I keep getting this in the response. I have also tried URLEncode.encode(payload, "UTF-8") to get an encoded string to add to the body and that did not work. Any insight would be helpful. 04-19 18:24:50.570: D/response(693): <error> 04-19 18:24:50.570: D/response(693): <status>400</status> 04-19 18:24:50.570: D/response(693


血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-07 13:19:47
1. 背景介绍 许多公司的平台每天会产生大量的日志(一般为流式数据,如,搜索引擎的pv,查询等),处理这些日志需要特定的日志系统,一般而言,这些系统需要具有以下特征: (1) 构建应用系统和分析系统的桥梁,并将它们之间的关联解耦; (2) 支持近实时的在线分析系统和类似于Hadoop之类的离线分析系统; (3) 具有高可扩展性。即:当数据量增加时,可以通过增加节点进行水平扩展。 本文从设计架构,负载均衡,可扩展性和容错性等方面对比了当今开源的日志系统,包括facebook的scribe,apache的chukwa,linkedin的kafka和cloudera的flume等。 2. FaceBook的Scribe Scribe是facebook开源的日志收集系统,在facebook内部已经得到大量的应用。它能够从各种日志源上收集日志,存储到一个中央存储系统 (可以是NFS,分布式文件系统等)上,以便于进行集中统计分析处理。它为日志的“分布式收集,统一处理”提供了一个可扩展的,高容错的方案。 它最重要的特点是容错性好。当后端的存储系统crash时,scribe会将数据写到本地磁盘上,当存储系统恢复正常后,scribe将日志重新加载到存储系统中。 架构 : scribe的架构比较简单,主要包括三部分,分别为scribe agent, scribe和存储系统。 (1) scribe

Linux 安装 Scribe

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-07 13:19:33
序言 它能够从各种日志源上收集日志,存储到一个中央存储系统(可以是 NFS ,分布式文件系统等)上,以便于进行集中统计分析处理。 源码安装 1、前提准备 Scibe 需要下面的依赖库,执行下面命令 yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ m4 autoconf automake libtool libicu-devel python-devel libevent-devel byacc flex 下面的比较全,不放心的话可以直接执行下面的 yum install gcc-c++ libevent libevent-devel automake autoconf m4 bison zlib zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel flex pkgconfig python python-devel ruby ruby-devel mono-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel ant openssl-devel 刷新动态链接库 /sbin/ldconfig 2、准备安装包 演示如下版本 3、安装boost t ar -zxvf boost_1_44_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_44_0 ./ --prefix=/usr/local/boost ./bjam -s HAVE_ICU=1 -