
分布式日志收集系统: Facebook Scribe

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-07 13:16:58
以下是我在公司内部分享的关于分布式日志收集系统的PPT内容,现在与大家分享,希望对于需要使用的人能够起到基本的入门作用或是了解! 1.分布式日志收集系统:背景介绍 许多公司的平台每天会产生大量的日志(一般为流式数据,如,搜索引擎的pv,查询等),处理这些日志需要特定的日志系统,一般而言,这些系统需要具有以下特征: (1) 构建应用系统和分析系统的桥梁,并将它们之间的关联解耦; (2) 支持近实时的在线分析系统和类似于Hadoop之类的离线分析系统; (3) 具有高可扩展性。即:当数据量增加时,可以通过增加节点进行水平扩展。 2.分布式日志收集系统:Facebook Scribe主要内容 (1)Scribe简介及系统架构 (2)Scribe技术架构 (3)Scribe部署结构 (4)Scribe主要功能和使用方案 (5)Scribe的具体应用实例 (6)Scribe的扩展 (7)Scribe研究体会 3.Scribe简介 Scribe是facebook开源的日志收集系统,在facebook内部已经得到大量的应用。 Scribe是基于一个使用非阻断C++服务器的thrift服务的实现。它能够从各种日志源上收集日志,存储到一个中央存储系统 (可以是NFS,分布式文件系统等)上,以便于进行集中统计分析处理。它为日志的“分布式收集,统一处理”提供了一个可扩展的,高容错的方案。 4


岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-06 22:00:56
最近准备整合多个系统的日志,因而想到构建一套分布式日志存储系统,首先考虑的是Scribe,不过编译安装耗费了很多时间(Scribe相关文档确实少了点,相比Flume) 环境:Ubuntu13.04 32bit 组件: scribe 2.x(最新版) thrift 0.9.0 boost 1.54 fb303 thrift自带 至于其他所依赖的相关包(如libevent、automake、flex、bison等)可根据configure的结果进行安装或更新。 1、安装boost 官网下载boost,版本要求高于1.36(作者用的是1.54.0),按照文档中给出的方法编译: $tar --bzip2 -xf /home/vincent/Download/boost_1_54_0.tar.bz2 $cd /home/vincent/Download/boost_1_54_0 $./ --help $./ --prefix=opt/boost_1.54 $./b2 install 至此,boost库编译完成,编译时无需指定其他选项,在--prefix参数指定的目录下生成include和lib文件夹存放头文件和库文件。 2、安装thrift 下载thrift包,安装是经典的三大步: $tar zxvf thrift-0.9.0.tar.gz

scribe + twitter > Cannot get String from a null object

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-06 14:27:52
I try to use scribe for authorization with facebook and twitter. There is no problems with facebook. But when I try requestToken = service.getRequestToken() for twitter I get Cannot get String from a null object > ru.myx.ae3.exec.ExecErrorDefault > Cannot get String from a null object > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : org.scribe.utils.Preconditions.check( : org.scribe.utils.Preconditions.checkNotNull( : org.scribe.utils.StreamUtils.getStreamContents( : org.scribe.model.Response.parseBodyContents( : org.scribe

401 response when do a POST using scribe oauth java

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-06 05:56:32
This does NOT happen when I use it with a GET. i.e. this DOES NOT WORK: ProxyAuthenticator pa = new ProxyAuthenticator(); Authenticator.setDefault( pa ); OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder().provider( TwitterApi.class ).apiKey( strAPIKey ).apiSecret( strAPISecret ).build(); Token requestToken = service.getRequestToken(); Scanner in = new Scanner( ); Verifier verifier = new Verifier(in.nextLine()); String url = ""; OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest( Verb.POST, url ); service.signRequest( accessToken ,

Upload a video file by chunks

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-03 13:11:57
问题 Yes, it's a long question with a lot of detail... So, my question is: How can I stream an upload to Vimeo in segments? For anyone wanting to copy and debug on their own machine: Here are the things you need: My code here. Include the Scribe library found here Have a valid video file (mp4) which is at least greater than 10 MB and put it in the directory C:\test.mp4 or change that code to point wherever yours is. That's it! Thanks for helping me out! Big update: I've left a working API Key and

How to create a oAuth request using java?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-03 06:18:57
问题 I need to make a connection with Viagogo website using oAuth. Referring to their documentation I need to create a request similar to the following one Using the example in step 1A, this means you may generate a signature base string that looks like the following: GET&

Upload a video file by chunks

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-03 03:20:19
Yes, it's a long question with a lot of detail... So, my question is: How can I stream an upload to Vimeo in segments? For anyone wanting to copy and debug on their own machine: Here are the things you need: My code here . Include the Scribe library found here Have a valid video file (mp4) which is at least greater than 10 MB and put it in the directory C:\test.mp4 or change that code to point wherever yours is. That's it! Thanks for helping me out! Big update: I've left a working API Key and Secret for Vimeo in the code here . So as long as you have a Vimeo account, all the code should work

Using OAuth with Scribe on Android

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-03 00:32:28
Hi I'm using the scribe library for OAuth communication with LInkedIn. I have a login class and a query class. The login class creates a service to get my request token and secret and creates my access token. The access token is then saved to the preferences file. This seems to work fine and I can make a successful api call after all the tokens have been created. In my OAuth query class i retrieve the access token, create another service and try to make an API call, but when ever I load an activity which makes calls this class it causes my app to crash. I have tested to make sure that the

How to create a oAuth request using java?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-02 19:42:06
I need to make a connection with Viagogo website using oAuth. Referring to their documentation I need to create a request similar to the following one Using the example in step 1A, this means you may generate a signature base string that looks like the following: GET& I am using the following code but when I comment lines 1,2 it return unauthorized error , and when I

Java SSL DH Keypair Generation - Prime Size Error

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-30 14:14:00
I'm currently implementing Reddit OAuth2 login into my web app. The handshake and token exchange work fine when testing locally but when running on the server (hosted on 'OpenShift' DIY cartridge) I get the following error: Prime size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 1024 (inclusive) Which is results in java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair I've been searching most of the day and have found different solutions ranging from changing Java version to using BouncyCastle. However, I'm using the Scribe