
创龙Xilinx Artix-7系列FPGA开发板的Micro SD卡、RS485

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-02-14 11:54:44
TLA7-EasyEVM开发板是一款由广州创龙基于Xilinx Artix-7系列FPGA自主研发的核心板+底板方式的开发板,可快速评估FPGA性能。核心板尺寸仅70mm x 50mm,采用沉金无铅工艺的10层板设计,专业的PCB Layout保证信号完整性的同时,经过严格的质量控制,满足工业环境应用。 SOM-TLA7核心板引出CPU全部资源信号引脚,二次开发极其容易,客户只需要专注上层应用,大大降低了开发难度和时间成本,让产品快速上市,及时抢占市场先机。不仅提供丰富的Demo程序,还提供详细的开发教程,全面的技术支持,协助客户进行底板设计、调试以及软件开发。 Micro SD卡 CON8是Micro SD卡接口,主用于外接大容量数据存储,硬件及引脚定义如下图: RS485 CON6为RS485串口,使用3位接线端子,硬件及引脚定义如下图: 来源: CSDN 作者: Tronlong_ 链接:


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-02-08 11:54:06
串口通讯是电子工程师和嵌入式开发工程师面对的最基本问题,RS232则是其中最简单最常用的通讯方式。但是初学者往往搞不清有关的名词如UART和RS232或RS485之间是什么关系,因为它们经常被放到语句中同等的位置使用。在百度搜索 二者的区别 ,可以看到排在最前面的答案充斥着混淆的概念。就此,谈谈我对这几个概念的理解,希望能帮初学者厘清它们之间的关系。 ~ ~ 通讯问题,和交通是一样的。串口通信,我们这里可以用公交来类比。 公交运行可以简单分成两个部分: 1、车站 2、公路 其中车站决定了车上装什么(人),怎么发送(班次)等。 当汽车跑在路上,就要遵守公路交通的规则,过桥有过桥的规则,高速有高速的规则,和车站没有关系了。 ~ 回到串口通讯,其实,UART就相当于车站,而RS232/RS485则对应于公路的规则。 UART,是通用异步收发传输器(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter),既然是“器”,显然,它就是个设备而已,要完成一个特定的功能的硬件,它本身并不是协议。那么它要完成什么功能呢?它的最基本功能,是串行数据和并行数据之间的转换。我们知道,计算机中的数据以Byte为基本单位,对一个Byte的存取是并行的,即,同时取得/写入8个bit。而串行通信,需要把这个Byte“打碎”,按照时间顺序来收发以实现串行。例如: 内存中的数据是:

RS485 transceiver supplied with 3.3V. What voltage levels can I receive?

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-25 06:48:51
问题 I'm designing a print for RS485 with the LTC2854 transceiver. I don't know what situation it will be placed in. So I don't know what voltage levels the other devices will communicate on. I will supply the transceiver with 3.3V and communicate on 0V and +3.3V. Does this mean I can still receive the full range of voltages -7V - +12V of other devices on the bus? Or does this mean that it can only be implemented on 0V - +3.3V level systems? In my understanding I should be able to detect


孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-25 02:25:42
通用同步异步收发器(Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter)是一个串行通信设备,可以灵活地与外部设备进行全双工数据交换。有别于 USART 还有一个UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter),它是在 USART基础上裁剪掉了同步通信功能,只有异步通信。 ①功能引脚 TX:发送数据输出引脚。 RX:接收数据输入引脚。 SW_RX:数据接收引脚,只用于单线和智能卡模式,属于内部引脚,没有具体外部引脚。 nRTS:请求以发送(Request To Send),n 表示低电平有效。如果使能 RTS 流控制,当USART 接收器准备好接收新数据时就会将 nRTS 变成低电平;当接收寄存器已满时,nRTS将被设置为高电平。该引脚只适用于硬件流控制。 nCTS:清除以发送(Clear To Send),n 表示低电平有效。如果使能 CTS 流控制,发送器在发送下一帧数据之前会检测 nCTS 引脚,如果为低电平,表示可以发送数据,如果为高电平则在发送完当前数据帧之后停止发送。该引脚只适用于硬件流控制。 SCLK:发送器时钟输出引脚。这个引脚仅适用于同步模式。 RS458是半双工通讯(2线制)

stm32 USART rs485 rs232

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-24 13:46:38
前题:   前段时间,在公司调试了一个项目,很简单,但对于初学的我来说,有点难。经过一周多两周的时间,刻骨铭心,深深的印入我的脑海,特此整理---那就是关于串口的那些事儿。串口那一堆的事儿,总是和rs485,usart,uart,rs232,rs422搞在一起,最后是你中有我,我中有你。如果说,会配置usart,但是不会配合rs485,在现实中基本会被笑话--而自己,就闹过这样的笑话,也被别人笑过。 一、rs485   rs485,维基百科又称呼它为EIA-485。数据在其上流动的能量来源于缆线两端的电压差,就像高处的水留向低处一般。最早是采用双线制,一收一发,半双工模式,并且在收发转换的时候需要控制方向进行设定,这等同于安保科的呼呼机:按下按钮--说话;松开按钮--接听。<ps:如果收发转换不进行方向设定,那么收发不能成功>   rs485规定:高电平一端为逻辑1,低电平一端是逻辑0;两端的电压差最小为0.2V以上时有效,if (差值 <= 12V || 差值 >= -7V) {接收端会认为是有效的}。   rs485没有定义数据协议,适用于广域网和一发多收的通信链路;点对点网络中,线型,总线型,不能是星型,环型网络;行大面积长距离传输(超过4000英尺,1200米);一般都需要配备2个终端电阻,保护信号的正确纯净。   另外,一般说rs485是半双工模式,但这不是绝对的--

Modbus 指令 RS485指令规则

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-19 13:59:25
./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=1 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=2 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=3 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=4 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=5 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=6 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=7 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=8 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=9 ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=a ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=b ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=c ./CN/httpapi.json?&CMD=UART_WRITE&UWHEXVAL=d ./CN/httpapi

Sending hex over serial with python

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-01-01 00:23:12
问题 This weekend I am going to make a little project. Got a solarcell inverter (Danfoss ULX 3600i) which I will try to connect to my linux machine, to see if I can grab the data from it, how much energy created eg for stats. There is an input for RJ45 connection on it, but with RS485. I got the cables to connect it through my usb port in the pc with an RS485 converter in between the pc and the inverter. I am then writing a small python code to make request. However I cant figure out how to send

Sending hex over serial with python

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-01-01 00:22:07
问题 This weekend I am going to make a little project. Got a solarcell inverter (Danfoss ULX 3600i) which I will try to connect to my linux machine, to see if I can grab the data from it, how much energy created eg for stats. There is an input for RJ45 connection on it, but with RS485. I got the cables to connect it through my usb port in the pc with an RS485 converter in between the pc and the inverter. I am then writing a small python code to make request. However I cant figure out how to send

Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 2 bytes (0 received)

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-18 06:23:53
问题 Problem pymodbus master/client can send a request to the slave/server. The slave/server make the things to return ready and is waiting for the master/client to pick them up. Despite the readiness of the server/slave, the master/client just returns the error "Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 2 bytes (0 received)". Setup I use the laptop as server/slave with this adapter:

automatically changing RTS for RS-485 communication

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-17 20:56:50
问题 I'm trying to setup half duplex communication in my program. I have my RS485 transceiver using the RTS flag (TIOCM_RTS) to toggle back and forth between transmit and receive. And to send/receive data I need to change RTS flag manually: Set RTS to High. Send data. Set RTS to low. int setRTS(int level) { int status; ioctl(ser_port, TIOCMGET, &status); if(level) { status |= TIOCM_RTS; } else { status &= ~TIOCM_RTS; } ioctl(ser_port, TIOCMSET, &status); return 1; } My question is: shouldn't the