
flash,Rom,RAM,nvram 的区别 (思科设备)

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-13 00:41:57
思科 路由器的启动过程简单来说分为三个部分 1.硬件检查 2.运行IOS 3.导入配置文件。 要了解 思科 路由器的启动过程首先要来了解一下 思科 路由器的主要存储硬件和它们的作用。 ROM 只读存储器 是一个用于维护路由器的硬件它存储着POST程序bootstrap程序以及Mini IOS。Flash它是用来存储路由器完整IOS镜像的硬件。IOS就相当于思科路由器的 操作系统 没有IOS或者IOS镜像损坏的路由器是无法工作的。 NVRAM是用于存放路由器的启动配置文件Startup-config的硬件。路由器启动前最后一次保存的配置都储存在这里。 RAM存储路由器启动时由启动配置文件拷贝而来的运行配置文件Running-config解压后的IOS以及学习到的路由表Routing-table和包队列。 接下来详细了解一下思科路由器的启动过程 一、路由器加电后首先运行ROM中的POST程序Power On Self Test对路由器的硬件进行检测俗称加电自检。 二、检测通过后紧接着执行ROM中的引导程序bootstrap并根据寄存器值register来决定启动方式。寄存器值的格式为0x21YZ Y列的状态 0x210Z从nvram加载配置文件 0x214Z不从nvram加载配置文件 Z列的状态0x21Y0从rommon启动提示符为路由器启动时按CtrlBreak0x21Y1从mini


北战南征 提交于 2019-12-12 16:01:27
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 最近在学习刷机相关的知识,在网上看了一些教程之后,对刷机的认识还是只停留在那么机械式的几步,总觉得这样不求甚解真是不好!所以小编找来了下面这篇文章,自己学习了下,确实不错(好吧,小编是新手,希望大牛带小编装x带小编飞……),分享给大家。 这一段时间刷了一堆ROM,安卓系列、CM、Hero、OldMos,手机的照相机也刷得再也启不来了(不知道什么原因,杯具)。有话说:"久病成良医",想我们折腾了这么久的刷机,也得总结总结不是,小弟不才,远没成"良医",但还是想把自己的一些认识和心得写出来,以期抛砖引玉... 一、刷机原理 记得第一次刷机,那个心理紧张啊。其实紧张什么呢?就是因为不明白原理啊,只看到一堆的教程来依葫芦画瓢,生怕错了一步将手机变砖。说起来,刷机就是两种方法: 一是recovery方法,就是我们平时将update.zip放入到SD卡,然后alt-s的方法,这种方法是调用了recovery的方法将各种img或文件进行复制等操作。 二是fastboot方法,这个方法其实是比较酷的方法,说白点,fastboot就是将已有的各分区映象文件(img文件,意义上类似我们对光盘做的映象文件)直接覆盖写到指定分区中,有点暴力,也有点类似我们平时操作系统的Ghost还原。 这两种方法哪种更好,这就不好比高低了,总的来说:

where to find oneplus one binaries (Device tree, Vendor, Kernel) to build rom from AOSP?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-12 02:56:13
问题 I would like to build ROM for one plus one from AOSP (android 5.1.1) Look like i need below three information from the device manufacturer and override it in local_manifest.xml Device Tree' Vendor Kernel. I am able to get Device tree and Kernel. I am not able to find Vendor binaries for one plus one. anybody can help me to get this? Below is the local_manifest.xml i have. But it is missing vendor information. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <remote name="github" fetch="https

Generated system.img is not running on emulator. Api 25

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-11 15:41:32
问题 So I am trying to replace some small text files and add some apks into the system files of android. I am working on an emulator for api levle 25 x86 and no gplay. The system.img file is of around 2.5 gb (274783648 bytes ) First I unpacked the system.img using with the help of these files here and ran the code mentioned to extract the files sudo ./ext2rd system.img ./:savedir The files I got were of around 650 mb. After making the changes I tried to pack

How to determine if OS is a custom ROM from an App?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-07 18:51:22
问题 I'm developing an Android application, but I want to restrict my application to only be accessible by hardware that is not running a rooted/custom ROM. I know about Android's Forward Locking content protection, but would like to double check this protection from within my app. Is there any way to get the signature of the device along with a trusted signature of the ROM using android API's so that I lock my app out from Custom ROMs? 回答1: There is no fail-proof way that I can think of, sorry.

Building Android source: error when executing mm?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-06 12:07:03
问题 Update I got this working. How I am not sure. I did no config changes at all. What I did was: Modify Dialog in frameworks/base/core/java/android/app . Went to my root ( /path/to/source/ ). Then I did mmm frameworks/base/ . Everything worked. Then I tried exactly what I had already tried below: Modify ScrollView (I actually never said which file I was modifying) in frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget . I ch 'ed to frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget . Then I did mm . This time I had

How to determine if OS is a custom ROM from an App?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-06 06:10:41
I'm developing an Android application, but I want to restrict my application to only be accessible by hardware that is not running a rooted/custom ROM. I know about Android's Forward Locking content protection, but would like to double check this protection from within my app. Is there any way to get the signature of the device along with a trusted signature of the ROM using android API's so that I lock my app out from Custom ROMs? There is no fail-proof way that I can think of, sorry. The main point of a ROM or root is that you can change whatever you want. Therefore, none of the Android API


Deadly 提交于 2019-12-06 04:13:27
  今天小姐姐来问我关于ROM、RAM和Flash的区别,我给她大致的说了一下名称和作用。可人家说她知道这玩意的名字,希望我能够接地气的解释一下什么是ROM、RAM、FLASH…… 这就把我难住了 ≧ ﹏ ≦。(当时也没好好学,つ﹏⊂, 错失了一个,撩小姐姐的机会 ),现在赶紧写温习一下,顺手篇博客记录一下。    ROM:    看了看维基百科和百度百科,两个百科对ROM的定义基本一致大概可以概括为这几点: ROM是Read-Only Memory的缩写,中文名为只读存储器。 只能读出事先所存数据的固态半导体存储器。 一旦储存资料就无法再将之改变或删除。 内容不会因为电源关闭而消失。 用在不需经常变更资料的电子或电脑系统中。   ROM有6个种类:  ROM: 只读存储器 非易失性存储器 制造时处于一种特殊发mask下进行烧入,写入的内容无法修改,电脑与用户只能读取保存在这里的指令,不能进行数据存入。 常用于存储特定功能的程序或系统程序,例如启动盘。   ROM的用于存储电脑引导指令时,ROM会提供一系列的指令给CPU进行测试,在最初的测试中,检查RAM位置(location)以确认其存储数据的能力。(顺便提一句键盘、计时器回路以及CPU本身都被纳入CPU测试)。说白了ROM就是存储器,带窗户封闭空间。你想塞东西只能在构建的时候装进去,想读呢?就从窗户往里够。   哎?不对啊

Android: 判断当前手机品牌(转)

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-05 07:11:23
参考资料 Android判断手机ROM 正文 有时候需要判断手机系统的ROM,检测ROM是MIUI、EMUI还是Flyme,可以使用getprop命令,去系统build.prop文件查找是否有对应属性来判断是什么ROM。 build.prop的介绍可以看 Android build.prop简介 代码【和参考资料一致,这里只是做个记录,详细介绍,请移步参考资料《 Android判断手机ROM 》】 package com.hxzk.som.base.utils; import android.os.Build; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; /** * Created by HaiyuKing * Used 判断手机ROM,检测ROM是MIUI、EMUI还是Flyme * 参考资料: */ public class RomUtil { private static final String TAG = "Rom"; public static

Making an app in the Android Source compile into system/app instead of data/app?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-04 21:16:30
问题 I'm compiling an Android ROM from source, and I have several apps that compile, but into data/app on the phone. They're uninstallable through the phone settings. I want them to be impossible to uninstall from the phone, and to compile into system/app instead of data/app. Any advice? edit:typo 回答1: Add: LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := system/app LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE := true LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := platform 回答2: Here is an example of mk file that you can use. In my case the application is then build