
Android : inApp purchase receipt validation (Part 2)

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-04 22:58:27
I am implement inApp purchase in my application and add product as " Manage Product ". After purchase I want to do receipt validation .For that I configure in Developer console like The Steps are Developer Console -> Settings -> API access Create Server account Google Developer console -> Add a credential in Service account and put it as JSON After adding I got a file from developer console it contains { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "api-xxxxx-xxx", "private_key_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----

ios 8, Swift, receipt validation for IAP

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-04 14:43:36
i'm desperately trying to validate a receipt for in-app in a futur IOS application written with Swift, IOS8.1 I'm using the Alamofire framework to compensate a bug in NSURLConnection for swift but still not having any return from the Apple Server. func checkReceipt(data:NSData) { let ITMS_PROD_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL = "" let ITMS_SANDBOX_VERIFY_RECEIPT_URL = "" let base64String = self.base64forData(data) if base64String != nil { let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64String!, options:

iOS App 内购 Demo

你。 提交于 2019-12-04 08:01:49
/*注意事项: 1.沙盒环境测试appStore内购流程的时候,请使用没越狱的设备。 2.请务必使用真机来测试,一切以真机为准。 3.项目的Bundle identifier需要与您申请AppID时填写的bundleID一致,不然会无法请求到商品信息。 4.如果是你自己的设备上已经绑定了自己的AppleID账号请先注销掉,否则你哭爹喊娘都不知道是怎么回事。 5.订单校验 苹果审核app时,仍然在沙盒环境下测试,所以需要先进行正式环境验证,如果发现是沙盒环境则转到沙盒验证。 识别沙盒环境订单方法: 1.根据字段 environment = sandbox。 2.根据验证接口返回的状态码,如果status=21007,则表示当前为沙盒环境。 苹果反馈的状态码: 21000App Store无法读取你提供的JSON数据 21002 订单数据不符合格式 21003 订单无法被验证 21004 你提供的共享密钥和账户的共享密钥不一致 21005 订单服务器当前不可用 21006 订单是有效的,但订阅服务已经过期。当收到这个信息时,解码后的收据信息也包含在返回内容中 21007 订单信息是测试用(sandbox),但却被发送到产品环境中验证 21008 订单信息是产品环境中使用,但却被发送到测试环境中验证 */ 开发内购功能,首先需要一个开发者账号,在 App store connect ->

How to print a cheque through the receipt printer in Java?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-03 16:56:07
I have pos58 receipt printer (printer made in China), this printer supports ESC-POS Commands . I want to print out a cheque in Java without JavaPos api. Just I don't know how do this. Is there some way to implement it? Or what the library is? Or are there any examples of that? Thanks for advance. Found this implementation after a quick web search, may help: 来源:

IAPs actually validating the receipt (Swift)

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-03 14:06:37
问题 I have been trying to implement receipt validation in my spritekit game. I have been following various tutorial and basically ended up with this code enum RequestURL: String { case production = "" case sandbox = "" case myServer = "my server address" } enum ReceiptStatusCode: Int { // Not decodable status case unknown = -2 // No status returned case none = -1 // valid status case valid = 0 // The App Store


懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-03 09:57:58
用设计模式来替代if-else 前言 物流行业中,通常会涉及到EDI报文(XML格式文件)传输和回执接收,每发送一份EDI报文,后续都会收到与之关联的回执(标识该数据在第三方系统中的流转状态)。这里枚举几种回执类型: MT1101、MT2101、MT4101、MT8104、MT8105、MT9999 ,系统在收到不同的回执报文后,会执行对应的业务逻辑处理。当然,实际业务场景并没有那么笼统,这里以 回执处理为演示案例 模拟一个回执类 @Data public class Receipt { /** * 回执信息 */ String message; /** * 回执类型(`MT1101、MT2101、MT4101、MT8104、MT8105、MT9999`) */ String type; } 模拟一个回执生成器 public class ReceiptBuilder { public static List<Receipt> generateReceiptList(){ //直接模拟一堆回执对象 List<Receipt> receiptList = new ArrayList<>(); receiptList.add(new Receipt("我是MT2101回执喔","MT2101")); receiptList.add(new Receipt("我是MT1101回执喔",

iOS verify app store purchase id by developer

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:54:24
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: How can I check purchase id which was sent by user to me from his orders list? For example, he can send something like: M1VYXX7VX7 (as written in his purchases list in appstore) and ask to return his purchase (may be he had deleted his app accidentally), But when I get order information inside of my code (through SKPaymentTransaction ) I have no access to that identifier. Then only ID i have looks like: 1000000020706713. So is there any ways to validate that purchase ID using information which was sent to me by app store? Thanks. 回答1: Read

Server side receipt validation for non-consumable products in iOS7 and transactionReceipt deprecation

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-03 07:18:48
问题 I'm porting a working application from previous iOS's and am having trouble with the new in app purchase receipts. The way we work now is to take the transactionReceipt property from the SKPaymentTransaction object and send it to the server for validation. From what I could gather from other questions, it seems that the receipt is now held in one place, being : [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL]; There are a few things I don't understand here : Is there now one receipt for all of the

iOS 7 Local (on device) Receipt Validation and In-App Purchases Check

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-03 04:56:05
问题 I have implemented receipt validation locally on the device using OpenSSL and the asn1c compiler with help from Apple's Receipt Validation Programming Guide. My app only supports iOS 7 and up. As recommended by Apple I call, [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL] to get the app store receipt. I also do this when the app is 'first' launched before displaying any UI. This first launch call is needed as Apple recommends refreshing the receipt if its not there on first try. As a result of

IAPs actually validating the receipt (Swift)

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-03 03:59:42
I have been trying to implement receipt validation in my spritekit game. I have been following various tutorial and basically ended up with this code enum RequestURL: String { case production = "" case sandbox = "" case myServer = "my server address" } enum ReceiptStatusCode: Int { // Not decodable status case unknown = -2 // No status returned case none = -1 // valid status case valid = 0 // The App Store could not read the JSON object you provided. case JSONNotReadable = 21000 // The data in the receipt