
How do I send multiple dySeries to a secondary axis based on checkbox input in shiny?

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-16 09:03:14
问题 I'm trying to plot a dyGraph using the lungDeaths timeseries, but I want "mdeaths" and "fdeaths" to be on the secondary axis, if at least one of them is selected alongside "ldeaths". Here's a working example: global.R library(dygraphs) library(shiny) library(datasets) library(stringr) lungDeaths <- cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths) ui.R shinyUI(fluidPage( titlePanel("Predicted Deaths from Lung Disease (UK)"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( id="sidebar", width = 3, div( checkboxGroupInput( inputId =

Displaying multiple dygraphs on a grid in R-Markdown

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-02 07:13:12
问题 Following the conversation here, is there a way to organize the output dygraphs in a grid? To Have one or more graph in a row. The code below would generate 4 dygraphs arranged vertically. Is there a way to organize them in a 4x4 grid? I tried using tags$div but it wraps all the graphs in one div. Is there a way to apply a CSS property such as display: inline-block; to each dygraph widget? or any other better method? ```{r} library(dygraphs) library(htmltools) makeGraphs = function(i){

Displaying multiple dygraphs on a grid in R-Markdown

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-02 07:13:07
问题 Following the conversation here, is there a way to organize the output dygraphs in a grid? To Have one or more graph in a row. The code below would generate 4 dygraphs arranged vertically. Is there a way to organize them in a 4x4 grid? I tried using tags$div but it wraps all the graphs in one div. Is there a way to apply a CSS property such as display: inline-block; to each dygraph widget? or any other better method? ```{r} library(dygraphs) library(htmltools) makeGraphs = function(i){

How to load down-sampled data while zooming in R dygraph?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-10 10:55:53
问题 I created an R shiny application that has a dygraph based on a data table that is dynamically subsetted by a checkboxGroupInput. My problem is, when I attempt to load large amounts of data (millions of records), it loads very slowly and/or crashes. After doing some more research, I stumbled upon a "lazy-load" technique from here. Based on my understanding, this technique essentially downsamples the data by only loading the number of data points equal to the width of the dygraph window. As the

Displaying multiple dygraphs on a grid in R-Markdown

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-06 03:24:46
Following the conversation here , is there a way to organize the output dygraphs in a grid? To Have one or more graph in a row. The code below would generate 4 dygraphs arranged vertically. Is there a way to organize them in a 4x4 grid? I tried using tags$div but it wraps all the graphs in one div. Is there a way to apply a CSS property such as display: inline-block; to each dygraph widget? or any other better method? ```{r} library(dygraphs) library(htmltools) makeGraphs = function(i){ dygraph(lungDeaths[, i], width = 300, height = 300, group = "lung-deaths")%>% dyOptions(strokeWidth = 3) %>%