

若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-07 02:41:17
高通QCC系列固件升级指南 高通QCC系列固件升级有两种方式:USB HID和高通app,两种升级方式都需先经过以下步骤。 升级前准备工作 (1)通过QMDE打开对应的工程,点击tools->setup DFU security菜单,生成对应的key文件,这个步骤是为了确保板子中的固件和要升级的固件的key一致才能升级,key不一致不能升级成功。 点击上图菜单后,会弹出下图,选择key文件保存的位置,选默认即可。 如果之前没有生成过key,会直接生成key文件到相应目录。 如果之前生成过,会弹出下图框:让你选择使用之前的还是重新生成。如果用之前的,会弹框让你选择之前key所在的目录。 到这里第一步就算完成了。 (2)完成第一步之后,重新rebuild工程,之后将生成的带key文件的固件通过烧写器deploy all进板子。 这一步很重要,否则后续升级会报OEM validation failed footer的错误,这是key文件不一致导致的。 (3)制作.bin文件,点击tools->build DFU file 稍后会弹出配置路径的窗口,选默认即可: 然后依据adk版本选择签名,6.1以上版本选择sign all projects 之后选择要升级的工程,可以选择全升级或只升级部分改动的工程,根据需要选择即可。 是否加密,点击非加密即可。 等待一会,bin文件就会自动生成

Convert R dataframe from long to wide format, but with unequal group sizes, for use with qcc

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-18 04:59:06
问题 I would like to convert a dataframe from long format to a wide format, but with unequal group sizes. The eventual use will be in 'qcc', which requires a data frame or a matrix with each row consisting of one group, using NA's in groups which have fewer samples. The following code will create an example dataset, as well as show manual conversion to the desired format. # This is an example of the initial data that I have # * 10 sample measurements, over 3 groups with 3, 2, and 5 elements

SPC - Control Charts by Group in R

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-13 17:32:51
问题 I want to create a statistical process control chart for each Name in this dataframe and extract the rows that are out of control for each individual Name. Below is the dataframe: DATE <- as.Date(c('2016-06-18', '2016-06-19', '2016-06-20', '2016-06-21', '2016-06-22', '2016-06-23', '2016-06-24', '2016-06-25', '2016-06-26', '2016-06-27', '2016-06-28', '2016-06-29', '2016-06-30', '2016-06-18', '2016-06-19', '2016-06-20', '2016-06-21', '2016-06-22', '2016-06-23', '2016-06-24', '2016-06-25', '2016

Adding line to plot in qcc Control Chart

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-12 01:13:06
问题 I have a control chart below that I am plotting from the data random (data sample posted on the bottom), All what I am trying to do is add a horizontal line that I specify the value of to this control chart. I tried looking at new.data to add in qcc but its plotting a complete new thing Please help me with this, thanks alot. The code below shows how I plotted it attach(random) library(qcc) E6LA <-qcc.groups(xdata,ydata) obj1 <- qcc(E6LA, type="xbar",nsigmas=3, plot = "FALSE", confidence.level

Control Charts Using ggplot2 facet wrap R

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-10 11:23:14
问题 I have the following graph: this was created using the dplyr group_by and summarise functions with ggplot2 : slopes %>% head(12) %>% inner_join(word_month_counts, by = "word") %>% mutate(word = reorder(word, -estimate)) %>% ggplot(aes(month, prop_per_month, color = word)) + geom_line(show.legend = FALSE,lwd=1.3) + geom_smooth(se=FALSE,lty=2)+ facet_wrap(~ word, scales = "free_y") I want to replace this with control charts and I have looked here and here but can't seem to workout how to

Control Charts Using ggplot2 facet wrap R

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:27:19
I have the following graph: this was created using the dplyr group_by and summarise functions with ggplot2 : slopes %>% head(12) %>% inner_join(word_month_counts, by = "word") %>% mutate(word = reorder(word, -estimate)) %>% ggplot(aes(month, prop_per_month, color = word)) + geom_line(show.legend = FALSE,lwd=1.3) + geom_smooth(se=FALSE,lty=2)+ facet_wrap(~ word, scales = "free_y") I want to replace this with control charts and I have looked here and here but can't seem to workout how to incorporate when using facet_wrap I have been playing with the qcc and qicharts like: library(qicharts)

How to reproduce the pareto.chart plot from the qcc package using ggplot2?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-11-29 14:43:16
问题 I have been using the pareto.chart function from the qcc package in R and I really like it. Now I would like to port all my graphics to utilize the ggplot2 package instead. However, my knowledge of ggplot2 is very limited despite the excellent documentation so I cannot figure out all the details. Basically I want a plot looking like this but made with the ggplot2 package instead. The code for producing the plot is listed below: library(qcc) defect <- c(80, 27, 66, 94, 33) names(defect) <- c(

Convert R dataframe from long to wide format, but with unequal group sizes, for use with qcc

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-11-29 07:10:59
I would like to convert a dataframe from long format to a wide format, but with unequal group sizes. The eventual use will be in 'qcc', which requires a data frame or a matrix with each row consisting of one group, using NA's in groups which have fewer samples. The following code will create an example dataset, as well as show manual conversion to the desired format. # This is an example of the initial data that I have # * 10 sample measurements, over 3 groups with 3, 2, and 5 elements respectively x <- rnorm(10) x_df <- data.frame( time = c( rep('2001 Q1',3), rep('2001 Q2',2), rep('2001 Q3',5